Dog In Training Drags Another Dog In A Box Around A Room

6 years ago

Dogs can be trained to do a variety of things. Sure, there are the basic commands that every dog owner teaches or tries to teach their dogs: Come, Sit, Stay, Lay Down, Up, Down, etc. However, dogs are quite intelligent creatures and capable of learning a number of different “tricks”, if you will. So, we suppose that it is no surprise that someone would try and teach a dog to haul another dog on a makeshift sled of sorts or wheeled cart.

The premise of this trick, as far as we can tell with the evidence we have, is that the larger dog, we are not sure what breed she is, will pull a smaller dog in “Santa’s Sled”. The smaller dog is, we think, a Maltese and she is wearing a tiny red Santa Hat. At first, we thought she was just sitting in a box and being dragged around the room by the bigger dog. However, with some close inspection we are fairly certain that she is sitting in small cart with wheels. Someone has put a box around it with a drawing of Santa’s Sled on it.

The bigger dog is acting as one of Santa’s Flying Reindeer. We will say, it always makes us laugh when we see a dog being far more comfortable with something than we think they would be. For example, the big dog is quite excited to pull her little friend by the yellow rope. Clearly, she is expecting treats or scratches. Surprisingly, the little white dog is very comfortable being rolled around the room. She even seems to be affecting some regal airs. All in all, it is a very adorable set up.

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