Dog Puts In The Least Amount Of Effort For Treat

6 years ago

We love teaching our dogs some fun tricks. Sure, you teach them to sit, stay and heel, but the occasional “paw” or “hello” brings an audible “aww” to everybody's lips, while they melt as they watch your puppy raise their paw to say hello and get a treat in return.

Every dog is eager to please their owner and they are always more than obliged to perform these tricks, be in before an audience or just for the sake of the owner. But as nature goes, every rule has an exception and so does this one.

This family's Golden Retriever was asked to give paw for a treat, but it seems that all the pupper is interested in is getting the treat in the end. He looks up towards the owner's hand holding the treat and doesn't even bother lifting his paw. It isn't until the owner lowers their free hand to coerce the dog into lifting its paw that the dog decides to obey.

Yet even then, the Retriever just barely lifts his paw from the ground. Come on, doggy, you can do better than that! Not even the owner's encouragement didn't convince the pup to put some more muscle into the trick. Eventually, the dog gives up and lifts his paw to meet the owners hand. Anything for a treat!

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