Pfizer’s Government Contract – Pfizer’s mRNA (Covid-19) Contract says it All!

28 days ago

***MUST SEE THIS*** Proof Our Governments LIED to us All!

The Propaganda Fear according to John Armstrong was just as bad in South Africa as just about everywhere else in the world.

John Armstrong says that South Africa has a constitution and the Pfizer Vaccine Contract violated it.

He says the Vaccines were nothing but poison.

He cross referenced South Africa’s Vaccine Contract with the rest of the countries and he said they are very, very similar.

These contracts were made without ANY consent from the people and ALL the leaders of the countries were in on this.

John says that these contracts were fraudulent.

What is in this Contract?

The most shocking is the Purchaser Acknowledge: “Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and the materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to emergency circumstances of the Covid-19 Pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects of efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse events of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized.”

Hello People – remember all that Safe & Effective Bullsh*t?

Remember Donald Trump saying these vaccines are 95% effective?

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is
really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J
Trump, March 9th 2021

Remember when all of our “Protective Health Agencies” condemned Ivermectin?

The testimonies of the effectiveness are ALL over the Internet, yes, it can now be difficult to find, but they are out there.

As recently as April 5, 2024 the FDA said: “The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals.”

But yet the FDA Authorized a drug (Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine) that Pfizer Admits in the Government Purchasing Contracts for ALL Governments of the world (who worked in Lockstep with this “Plandemic”) that it is UNTESTED & EXPERIMENTAL, and the SAFETY is UNKNOWN and the EFFICACY is UNKOWN.
After all this, with that April 5, 2024 FDA statement, they said: “The FDA has determined that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID 19 in humans.”

What Clinical Trial Data for Covid 19? Covid 19 cannot even be proven to be separate from the flu, they just use the “Covid-19 PCR Test” for Patent reasons.

What about Uttar Pradesh, India?

They had 240 Million People take Ivermectin and guess what?

They had NO pandemic at all. None.

Guess how much one of their Ivermectin Covid Kits costs? $2.90

They administered this to everyone and they were having 20 cases when the USA was having HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Covid cases.

What was the USA treating with? The mRNA Jabs.

I guess the FDA doesn’t count the biggest human Ivermectin trial in Uttar Pradresh that flat out stopped and prevented a Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Apter explained this particular data in a hearing and he said that this data is being taken off the Internet as soon as someone puts it on.

They don’t want you knowing the truth. Here is the Link to Dr. Apter’s testimony → ***Dr. Robert Apter – What’s the Agenda? Ivermectin vs FDA Court Case – A Worldwide Coordinated Agenda --

Yes, there is a lab made virus, that is contagious and awful to experience but they have no true test that differentiate.

It’s one big sham and expect more, like the Bird Flu as they have those vaccines collecting dust on their shelves. Those vaccines are deadly also.

All this Animal Testing – did anyone ever think that they are putting “Stealth” viruses in those animals right now that have an incubation period of let’s say six months?

This is how they start the real pandemics, with testing and in other vaccines.

Expect some type of animal related pandemic down the road, whether they label it Bird Flu or something else, it will give them reason to slaughter the animals and to vaccinate the people and yes the virus will be real, but keep in mind it was made in the lab, intentionally placed in those animals and it will not be a “Natural” event.

Back to the Pfizer Contract.

If the Pfizer contract itself says that they don’t know if these “vaccines” are safe or effective, then where did the government get this information that they were safe and effective?

It is criminal and it is a World Government Conspiracy. Not theory. It is a conspiracy. It is an Agenda.

Remember Agenda 21 proposed by Nancy Pelosi in the 90’s???

They used “provisional consent” during this plandemic.

Provisional Consent -- “The FDA's provisional consent pathway allows new drugs to become available to patients with limited data, but the manufacturer must continue collecting data until full FDA approval is granted. The FDA evaluates new therapies on this pathway on a rolling basis, and must evaluate provisional approval applications related to pandemics within three weeks of submission. The FDA must also evaluate provisional approval applications within 90 days of receiving a completed application.”

How in the hell can they say it’s safe and effective with Provisional Consent?

Plus under provisional consent they have to limit the number of people who receive this drug “vaccine” because it means they don’t know if it will kill you or what.

Did they limit the number of people who could receive Covid Shots?

NOPE. They pushed it to the ENTIRE Worlds Population.

Are you waking up yet?

They LIED and People DIED.

The contracts say that the so called Vaccine Data is NOT Available and NOT Know.

But that is false also.

They KNEW the shot itself could give one Covid-19. These are from Pfizer’s documents.

There also was NO Data from Lactating Mothers. Or Pregnant Mothers. Or stages of Pregnancy.

Did they recommend it to them?


The Government said this was for our Health and Well Being?

Was it?

What else was in the Pfizer Contract?

A Guarantee that they could not be Prosecuted if their mRNA Vaccines Kill People.

They were IMMUNE from being sued by those directly injured and those who have lost their loved ones.

Pfizer place these guarantee indemnities in the contract. It states in this contract that Pfizer is immune from all government laws and all legislation.

I bet that people didn’t know this.

Why didn’t the governments of the world disclose these unredacted contracts?

Pfizer stated that the vaccine is not warranted for being fit for any particular purpose.


So they were verbally telling us to not worry, the vaccines are safe & effective but in writing, in the contract, they are telling us we have no freaking clue about our vaccines and what will happen to the people taking them and we can’t be reliable.

If this is the case and it is, as it is in the contract, then why would governments agree to this CONTRACT?

Why would they tell us it is “Safe & Effective” when the Contract they all signed said just the exact opposite?

So their so called “mRNA Vaccines” are not fit for any purpose. But all the world governments didn’t hesitate to sign that contract and tell their people it is for the purpose of preventing one from getting a virus and to prevent transmission.

It’s a LIE.

This was a test to see how their New One World Government could function, if it really could function as ONE.

Success. Yes it can. Yes it did.

It is like they sold us all new cars that had NO Warranties and they were programmed to fail after one year, leaving the buyers holding the bag.

Now the people of the world are holding the bag. The bag is filled with poisons that will cause chronic diseases down the road.

Pfizer also has a litigation clause which goes with their indemnity – which says they are free from being litigated against, it will be the government that you sue and the taxpayer money that will pay and all litigation will occur in NY.

So it is all in the contract. They are totally protected from us going after them in the past, present and future.

What is one thing that voids all contracts?



1. South Africa South Gov Contract --

2. The Pfizer South Africa Contract -

3. The court documents filed:
4. Cumulative analyisis Of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports --

5. Former UK policeman Mark Sexton -
6. Evidence to prove Covid 19 vaccine is safe and effective - OIA Request -


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END. 5/24/2024 – 6:00 PM

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