Helmeted Kids In Red Wagon Crash Into Sidewalk And Go Flying

6 years ago

The wagon is something that almost every kid grows up with. How many of us were pulled along behind their parents during a stroll through the neighborhood one evening. That or used it yourselves to transport random stuff from your house to a friend’s? In college, I took the wagon from my parents’ house and used it to carry groceries from the store to my apartment. It’s a great way to do it if you don’t have a car. I highly recommend it for those of you in college or with college bound kids.

My family had the classic red wagon when were kids. You know with the aluminum body and unstable axles. The kind with a white Radio Flyer logo painted on the side. Ours was super wobbly and made a ton of noise if nothing was in the wagon as you wandered the street. You could hear us coming from for miles around. The kids in this video appear to have what we always called the off-road wagon. It’s got the wooden sides that raise the depth of the wagon. It also has heavy duty tires.

The small wagons have thin wheels that do alright on a sidewalk or road. The off-road wagon has thicker wheels with more intentional traction in them. In our opinion, this kind of wagon is made more for 4th of July going to the fireworks days or for picnic days. Fortunately, these kids are helmeted because their adventure does not end in the successful way that they thought it would. Surprisingly, their mom appears to be the ringmaster behind this whole thing. She gives them the shove down the driveway. Of course, she also checks on them after their crash.

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