Two Girls On Sled Crash Into The Side Of A House

6 years ago

Snow and sledding are one of those great combinations in the world like peanut butter and jelly or bacon and everything. Obviously, you need one to have the other, mostly, but there is just something about a snow-covered hill that calls for recklessly riding piece of plastic or wood down it.

These two girls on a sled get pushed down a large snow-covered hill by their father…

As long as America’s Funniest Home Videos exists there will always be sledding videos. Somehow, they are never not funny. And despite how many we have seen, people continue to find new and impressive ways to absolutely wreck themselves and their sledding instruments of choice. It truly is as though everyone takes a page out of Bill Watterson’s Calvin & Hobbes and tries to recreate it for themselves. Though perhaps not at the death defying speeds that Calvin appeared to be going in the comic strip, and potentially with less brambles. Though far more cars and houses. So it might be a bit of a wash on that one.

But they don’t have any control, uh oh! This is definitely a Calvin & Hobbes moment! Watch out!

These two little girls are paired up on a yellow sled at the top of a decently sized hill. Their father gives them a push and they go sliding down the hill. Their sled notches nicely into a path that already exists. However, instead of stopping when the path stops they keep going and going. And going right into the side of a house at the very bottom of the hill and then some. The girls hit with quite the whomp! Fortunately, they get up and shout that they are okay.

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