5 Minutes on Faith: Do not cast away your confidence! #62

2 months ago

Do not cast away your confidence!
NOTHING is impossible with God!

Heb 10:35 says, do not cast away your confidence which has great reward. It does not matter what you are facing: prodigal children ensnared in gender dysphoria, drugs, alcohol, adultery, false accusations, a sudden divorce, loss of a job, a bankruptcy or severe financial challenges, the betrayal of a friend, the despair of childhood or sexual abuse, a criminal offense, feeling overwhelmed and discouraged by what is happening in our nation. Maybe it’s the devil, in your head, telling you that you have no worth or value or you are not really a child of God.

God wants you to know He Loves you and you are one of His children if you will lay hold of him and not cast away your confidence.

The LORD downloaded this to me this morning saying: “According to My Words recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke, “Nothing is impossible with God …and ONLY

I: In
M: Me
P: People
O: Overcome
S: Sorrowful
S: Seductions
I: Interwoven
B: By the
L: Lying
E: Enemy

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