Jesus Prayer - 3 Hours - Church Slavonic

24 days ago

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"
(This is the famous Jesus prayer, which is prayed by repeating it many times)

The tradition of using words addressed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in prayer begins with the Gospel times, when people who met Christ turned to Him with their requests. The closest disciples of Christ, the apostles, saw and knew the effectiveness of such conversion. Thus, the first Christians began to invoke the Name of Christ in both church and private prayer, and this tradition has never been diminished. The prayer that we now call the Jesus Prayer took shape into familiar words later, when especially zealous ascetics began to leave the world for the desert. Invoking the Name of God was a living need for them. The experience of these ancient fathers is captured in the books of the "Philokalia".

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