Hwy929: iRacing FF1600 Thrustmaster Trophy at Snetterton (2024-S02-W09)

2 months ago

Week 9 of Season 2 in the iRacing Thrustmaster Trophy series in the FF1600 car at Snetterton, England.
In the rain. First time at this track. Only had about an hour to learn and practice it. Yet I still managed to have a good qualifier.
Started P4. Survived the first lap. Crowded someone off track when a car braked harder than expected. A few off-road and curbs but only 3 incidents. Yay! increased iRating along with Safety rating. The rain races are forcing me to learn alternate lines and to take things easier. Had a decent race with another car and he finished seconds ahead of me. I ended up with P6, down from P4 but I'm not complaining. Had a fun race.


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