Godzilla Related Commercials | Take A Look Back at... 1970s - 2000s Commercials w/ Godzilla

9 months ago

Back in Time: Episode 22

Time to take a look back at.. GODZILLA COMMERCIALS!!
Commercials on TV that had Godzilla's of all types in them, stomping, chomping, rampaging and hocking items of all types as only they know how.. in a BIG way!

Hosted by TheVespor and Ramsis (along with some special guest appearances perhaps? )

In honor of Godzilla Month, we take a look back at all types of commercials and ads that had the big G himself, that's right, GODZILLA! Large and in charge and coming to a TV near you to sell, well everything and anything! It's Godzilla, he can sell whatever he wants. Even figures of himself! That's how big he is!

We take a look back at ads from all of the periods we cover here on Vespor's Retro Reviews. The 70s, 80s, 90s and even early 2000s. All have ads with the BIG G in them. It's Godzilla! How can you not stare up and listen to what he wants to sell you with his own rampaging style of convincing you to buy something.

The Vespor and Ramsis will take a look at 8 (9?) Commercials in total showcasing all sorts of items with Godzilla in them. Food, movies, toys and of course soda. So prepare yourself. IT's going to be BIG.. really really BIG! Like GODZILLA sized BIG here!

Welcome to 'Godzilla Based Commercials' Back in Time !

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