Abby Phillip: Stormy Daniels Seemed to Have a Personal Vendetta Against Trump

2 months ago

AIDALA: “He’s gonna have no choice. And don’t forget, he’s getting prepped and prepped amd prepped. But, Anderson, can we just touch about how sick it is that Stormy Daniels said that here‘s Donald Trump hitting on her, wants to have sex with her, and he‘s like, ‘You remind me of my daughter?’ That‘s weird stuff, man.”
COLLINS: “Well, he was saying this because she‘s smart — “
PHILLIP: “ — pretty — “
AIDALA: “But when you hit on a girl, you don‘t say, ‘You remind me of my daughter.’ That‘s nuts. That’s disgusting.”
COLLINS: “To that point, one thing that stood out to me, as someone who‘s covered Trump since even before he was in the White House, watching him sitting there and having to listen to the way she talked about him, it wasn‘t just what she said and the salacious points. She was so derisive, she was mocking him, basically, at several points. She was saying, ‘He was old enough to be my dad. He was older than my father.’ She was 27. He was 60. She was saying she didn‘t enjoy it, she didn‘t want to be there. You know, she‘s had all these points where then in the cross-examination she was like, ‘Yeah, I do hate him and I do want to see him held accountable,’ and she was not shying away from her past statements about him. Trump never has to sit there and listen to someone talk about him like that or talk to him like that and describe him as arrogant and pompous, and today he had no choice, he was just sitting there. Speaking of what this trial has done to him, regardless of the outcome, seeing him sit there at that table and just have to kinda take it is remarkable.”
PHILLIP: “And this is one of the things that he has always been the most sensitive about, this Stormy Daniels allegation in particular. Kaitlan knows this actually really well, because asking him about this at the White House would be like World War II for the White House staff, they absolutely hated this line of questioning. And it really gets to — it reminds me of how he responded to the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape. That‘s definitely him, right, on the audio tape, but he still likes to deny it. So when he‘s confronted with the sort of worst parts of himself, he really reacts very strongly and very negatively. And that‘s what this whole case is about. However, I do think Stormy Daniels, the way that she conveyed that, you know, Trump is going to make the argument — and I don‘t know what his lawyers are going to do, but he‘s already been making the case this is a concocted case to dirty him up before the election, to make him seem bad in front of the American public, even though there‘s no legally illegal thing that happened here. That‘s his argument. I don‘t know that Stormy Daniels helped the prosecutors in batting that down, because she seemed to have a personal vendetta against him. It may be justified, but that‘s what it seemed like based on her testimony.”
COOPER: “Well, the defense, when they cross-examined her, I mean, they attacked her motivations about talking about the encounter.”

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