The Left’s Latest Attack on Trump

1 year ago

Reports are surfacing about leaked audio that allegedly reveals President Donald Trump discussing Iran and supposedly showing off classified documents to a staff member in the presence of a writer who was working on a book about the Trump White House. It was the writer who was recording the conversation, in full knowledge of President Trump, which already casts some doubt on the story in the first place.
Now we certainly won’t downplay anything, but it feels like maybe they’re making much more out of this story than is actually there. To be blunt, nobody even knows if the alleged “smoking gun” classified document even exists. It could have all been Trump bravado. Remember, my dad and I have worked with President Trump directly. He could have easily grabbed any stack of papers on his desk in the moment and shook them in the air to make a point. That is not illegal.
After all, as we’ve reported, Rep. Adam Schiff lied on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and apparently that’s completely fine, according to the Left anyway. So until the classified document in question is actually produced, this is all sound and fury, signifying very little at the moment. It’s an audio recording with nothing to back it up. But that’s not stopping Trump’s critics from losing their minds over it, as ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow stated:
“Everyone’s talking about this like it’s a major breach of protocol but from a protocol standpoint here’s the situation. Apparently these were tapes of an interview that the President gave to an author that was working on a book for Mark Meadows, former Chief of Staff. President Trump had some of his staff in there. The author said he was recording it. And eventually that tape ended up with the Special Counsel because they asked for tapes. There’s nothing that was prohibiting the owner of the tape, here the writer, from distributing that. He gave it to CNN. So it’s out there. I think people are overanalyzing the significance of this. They’re saying oh this is a bombshell . . . . You have to listen to what it is to understand what he’s saying, and then realize that the burden of proof is still on the government to actually show this document existed, and so far, nobody has it. ”
For the time being, chalk this up as the latest salvo blindly launched over the wall by President Trump’s enemies. The Left is chomping at the bit to destroy him by any means necessary, especially now that he is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. We’ve watched for years as they’ve rabidly thrown accusation after accusation against Trump, and to date, they’ve been unable to make anything stick. But as we told you, President Trump does have an August trial date on the latest charges brought against him regarding classified documents.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further analysis of this breaking story regarding audio of President Trump possibly discussing classified information in front of staffers and a journalist.

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