Seasons Change | Perilous World Radio 5/06/24

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Thank you for tuning in to the Perilous World Radio show featuring Alan and Jan Masters. In today's episode, they will delve into Roy Masters' 1970 pamphlets titled Sex, Sin, and Solutions. Alan thought-provokingly explores the concept of our minds acting as a barrier to reaching true wisdom and challenges us to consider if being trapped is actually true freedom. Drawing a parallel to rats navigating a maze, this discussion promises to take you on a journey of self-discovery and inspire new ways of thinking.
Alan and Jan discuss their current state in life and acknowledge that they have reached a pinnacle. They express that their mutual attraction is no longer fueled by physical intimacy alone but rather a spiritual awakening and an enhanced appreciation for each other. Their bond has matured to encompass aspects of their personalities that extend beyond the physical realm, resulting in a deeper and more profound connection.
Thank you for joining us, and please enjoy the show.

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