THE FIRST WAVE 35 : Japan 53 will stand still

5 months ago

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17th May 2023

17th May 2023 6am UK time


I dreamt of people frolicking in what appears to be the beginning of the ocean bed. Everything is fun and merry. Then all of a sudden the water parts and I see dry ground. The people continue to play and ignore the situation.

I have a sense of urgency in me (third time in one night). I am witnessing the events from a birds eye view.

In my spirit I want to shout out, "be careful!" I watch the scene unfold.

Then in a distance I see Hawaii type waves building. 10foot? 20foot? massive waves in the distance.

My spirits urgency becomes even greater. No one can see or is paying attention.

The wave overshadows the people and crushes them. I look around for help. Where are the lifeguards? I run into the water knee deep, I call out, "Daniel! Daniel!" I can hear Daniel calling back, but I can't see him. The waters have covered him.

The water crosses the normal beach area and goes onto the land. People are swept away.

I see my husband on the land, his skin is golden brown. Shining, beautiful. He looks calm unlike the scene unfolding.

I wake up

1. This is a warning dream to:BRACE BRACE BRACE the tsunami wave is coming
2. Liquidity will flow from away from people (receding waters) these people will have massive financial losses
3. The tsunami wave is equivalent to an influx of NEW blessing (new liquidity)
4. Just as the waves crushed the Egyptians, the waves will crush the ungodly.
5. The waves in the dream were so big it was SURREAL, therefore the liquidity coming is going to be SURREAL, so unimaginable, so large, so big read (psalm 126)
6. I hear OVERFLOW, an OVERFLOW of blessing.
7. The tsunami will wake alot of people up!
8. My husband represents the body of Christ, who will shine in this time of turmoil. The golden skin colour symbolic of wealth and health.

Shabbat shalom

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