Don't care about EMINEM's next rap album "The Death Of Slim Shady"

23 days ago

0:00 - Morning thoughts on lack of excitement over announcement that Eminem has an album coming out in 2024 | growing up as a fan (Note: I mention the album "Revival", but I meant 2009's "Recovery")
3:45 - Response to "Curtain Call 2" | comparison to Motley Crue's "Dogs Of War" single
6:47 - Questioning why I'm not thrilled by post-2010 Eminem albums | aging beyond relatable rap themes
9:24 - Strange disinterest in new albums by old bands having grown up as a fan | not truly hear new albums & living in nostalgia

Live 4/30/2024.

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Live shows every few weeks! I'm rockabilly/psychobilly upright bassist in Portland, Maine chatting about music. Rockabilly, psychobilly, classic rock, books, gear, history, etc.

📻 Also here are interviews from my 2011-12 podcast "The Roman Midnight Music Podcast", as they are no longer available elsewhere.

🎧 I'm a big fan of Reverend Horton Heat, Imeda May, Silver Shine & Mad Sin. I have formally studied rockabilly bass with rockabilly bassist Slick Joe Fick, jazz with bassist Chuck Israels of the Bill Evans Trio, NYC Loft scene clarinetist Titus Abbott, & world music with opera singer Margot Hanson. I use K&K & Shadow rockabilly pre-amp/pick-ups, Fender Rumble amps, Superior Bassworks & Innovation Rockabilly Reds strings. 🎼

📣 I'm a writer of music themed books, including music themed fiction & crossword puzzles. You can support this channel by checking them out:

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