I'm A PSYCHIC SPIRIT HEALER: Full Metal Ox Day 1156

1 month ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1156
Monday 29, April 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1221


This isn't any more of a braggadocio than declaring that I'm part of the human family. We all possess these senses. They're not powers. They only seem like powers because those who have honed their skills make an entertainment and or business out of it. We go "wow" while our own magic is dismissed as coincidences.
Someone lies to you and you say, "Really? That doesn't sound possible."
They say, "honest." So you believe them. Of course you later discover it is indeed a lie.
Safe and effective.
Children don't like injections because they (spirit) know that shit ain't right. But they don't know why. We're slowly brainwashed into becoming strong and brave and take the jab!
I've accepted that this vessel, and its crew... It's 50 trillion living cells, the spirit/prana, the electro-magnetic energy that I collectively refer to as "We" are meant to be here, in this place, at this time. This era. Universe doesn't make mistakes!
And you are too.
It's not because I'm compassionate, (literally together in punishment). No. We are together in spirit warriorhood. We are here to do our part in the turbulent changes that are coming. Whether you believe we're shifting from one age, (Pisces to Aquarius) or shifting Earth's location in the galaxy, or experiencing a dimensional ascension. The planet is unquestionably experiencing change. As humans we experience this as humans. Our fellows, fish, fowl, vegetation, insects, et al, are experiencing in their ways as well.
They also chose to be here in their "incarnations" at this time.
Know it. Accept it. Rise to it and pass it around.
We cannot say for sure who is "real" and who are charlatans, especially when their forms are digitized and transported via dots & blips, but some of these "spirit healer" cats out here are sounding very 3D (materialistic) consciousness to your humble vagabond. We'll do a piece on some hints that they are feeling the pressure of the matterium in future episodes.
The reason I brought up the idea of being a healer and choosing to be here, because you are also healers. If you are suffering, your first client is you.
You must figure out what the root of your suffering is, (don't blame anybody else) and fix it.
I know what you're thinking, "just like that, eh?"
Hell naw!
It might take you the rest of your life, or less. The deeper you are in denial the longer it will take.
This was my key to the padlock that stifled my brain for too many years. I'm not saying it will work for you. But ...
When I accepted that I'd been lied to all of my life, the chains fell away.
Then, I started seeking Truth.

**HINDSIGHT 20/20 full length, uncut episodes. What were YOU doing in 2020? Catch up on what you missed.

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YouTube: We started our Spring season in Philly during SprINO season, (Spring in name only). It's been a month away from the gym. But we're back. More to come.

Episode 38
Glad I Came Out

Season 4.0 Session 06 Monkey Bars
Subtle Moves

Session 20: Short and Rugged

Session 19
Philly Fitness Combo

Session 18: Awkward Moves to Improve

Episode 37
Status Quo

The Comeback Comeback: Season 4.0 Session 05 Monkey Bars

Returning to Strength
Episode 036

Hybrid & Wonderment
Episode 35

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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