What's with state of everything lately? - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 2nd April 2024

2 months ago

In a new-format show set in the colourful exciting virtual tarot-drome,
@pre@boing.world does a five minute tarot reading on the question
"What's up with the state of the world lately?"

He finds that the world has oppressive elite ruling powers
who subjugate the powerless and cause strife to the hidden majority.
It appears to external observers as though they have total victory,
but through science and moral progress
we can end the evil patriarchal oppression
and institute a new world order
based on solidarity and equity and peace.


## Transcript

Welcome friends to this new look wordcloud tarot show,
direct from the Tarotdrome here in cyber-space
in front of an audience of tarot cartoons!

Doesn't it look great!?

Today is Tuesday April the 2nd so for our new season
we thought we'd ask the simple question,

What the hell is going on with the state of the world lately?

It's mad innit?

We'll use this, the worldcloud tarot happy toast deck!

Every card has a beautiful drawing from the amazing
cartoonist Happy Toast, and also a world-cloud with the
meaning of each card written directly onto the card itself.

No need to memorize the meanings,
to read the tarot, you can just read.

That makes these readings very transparent,
you can see that the cards do mean what we say they mean.

This week we'll do a five-card cross,
so let's see what the cards say!

### Past - 13 Of Pentacles, Queen

The first card represents History and that card is:
The queen of pentacles.

A _queen_, from the ruling elite.

The world's _wealthy_ _prosperous_ _royalty_,
or _rich_ _powerful_ _private_ _money_.

The world they have built seems _useful_ and
_dependable_ and _versatile_ and _reliable_.

It seems _protective_ and _secure_.

And it is. For them.

It helps /them/ _flourish_ .

But the _ecosystem_ is breaking,
there's _environmental_ doom,
the _workers_ are revolting.

Because this is a _sexist_, _misogynistic_ _patriarchy_
that constantly requires _regimental_ _enforcement_,
_threatening_ everyone.

This _sophisticated_ _surveillance_ state is out of control!

### Hidden Influence - 5 Of Wands, Strife

For the "Hidden" slot, we have the five of wands:

The suffering and _stress_ that the ruling elites
cause isn't really all that hidden.

You can see it on TV, you can see it in your own home.

The inequality causes _tension_ and _unrest_,
_struggle_ and _hostility_.

You can see _trepidation_ _animosity_ and _turmoil_ everywhere,
constant _quarrels_ and _distrust_ and _discomfort_ .

The _pressure_ and _disquiet_ build until there's a _disturbance_,
a _disruption_ leading to _protests_ and _riots_.

There's _conflict_ and _battles_,
an _uprising_ that could lead to
_flighting_, maybe a civil _war_.

Those concentrations of wealth and power
_cause_ _tense_ _emotional_ issues, and
the _controversy_ and _discontent_ must
end in _dispute_, _combat_ and _fighting_.

### External Influence - 6 Of Wands, Victory

The card for External slot is - 6 Of Wands, Victory

External observers may well think that
the _rulers_ have complete _victory_

Their _ongoing_ _success_
and the _continuing_ _acceptance_ of their _influence_
( despite widespread _recognition_ of their _notoriety_ )
shows they have _achieved_ their _goal_ .

They have _attained_ and _accomplished_ _ultimate_ _glory_.
They have _innovated_ into _winning_ a _momentous_ _prize_.

Their _will_ and _objectives_ are bought to _fruition_.

From outside it seems the powers of private money have won.

They are _scoring_ the _future_ .

### Present - 6 Of Swords, Science

The card for Present is - 6 Of Swords, Science

Things are _changing_
this is a time of _transition_
and new _thinking_ when new _ideology_
and _philosophy_ can arise.

An _amalgamation_ of _concepts_ can bring us an _innovation_
and bring _peace_, a _clarity_ of _mind_

A _clear_ new _ethic_ from _science_ and _rational_ _reasoning_
a _transformation_ of _intellect_ towards _equanimity_

New _research_,
and _evidence_ based _systems_,
can help _discover_ and understand the hidden strife and oppression
and so bring _transparency_ and _wisdom_ to the _conflict_ .

We can make a fairer more balanced system,
and this present moment, now, is when we decide.

### Outcome - 4 Of Trumps, Emperor

The card for Outcome is - 4 Of Trumps, Emperor

A new _structure_, some new _constitutional_ _government_
A new world order, with _duty_ and _accountability_ ,
based on _objectivity_ _rationality_ _impartiality_ and _empiricism_

We can have the _ambition_ to _establish_ a
new _honest_ _decent_ system
with _equality_, _solidity_ _civility_ and _fairness_
at it's heart.

Only that can give _stability_ .

Only _morality_ and _merit_ and _integrity_.

Because oppression only leads to discontent and violence.

### Summary

The current system of powerful rich oligarchs
may look just, but they rule through guns
and bombs. There's hidden oppression everywhere,
suffering and injustice and genocide.

Externally it looks like the powerful have victory,
but now we have the tools of science which
we can use to understand the patriarchy's oppression,
and the strife and suffering it causes,
and bring about instead a new world order
based on equity and solidarity and honest fairness.

Oppression is not stable,
it leads to more revolutions,
we can only have stability
through equity and solidarity,
not through oppression
and violence and bombs.

### Next time:

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