128. SFC Walter Flores Gives Update on His Testicular Cancer
Today I talk with Sergeant First Class Walter (Wally) Flores. He has been on this show before talking about his testicular cancer diagnosis and how is chain of command treated him through that process. Today he gives an update on his situation.
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128. SFC Walter Flores Gives Update on His Testicular Cancer
SFC Walter Flores: [00:00:00] It got to the point where my leadership just wasn't believing me up until they started seeing a pattern. A pattern from her and consistency from me.
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Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Check out the links below to get your size.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff. On this podcast, you will be encouraged to question everything,
Nurse Kelly: and to have the courage to stand for the truth.
Nurse Kelly: And now, to your host, Dr. Sigoloff. [00:02:00]
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I want to thank you for joining me again. I first want to give a shout out to all of my Patreon supporters. I've got 2Tough giving 30 a month, an anonymous family donor giving 20. 20 a month, the Plandemic Reprimando tier at 17. 76 a month includes Ty, Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, Brantley, Gary, and Sharon. I've got Kevin Alanos and Pat and Bev giving 10 a month. There's the Refined Not Burned tier at 5 a month with Linda, Emmy, Joe, PJ, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ken, Rick, Mary, and Amanda. Addison Mulder is giving 3 a month and Frank is giving 1. 50. And then the Courageous Contagious tier at 1 a month, Jay, SpessNasty, Darrell, Susan, BB King, and Caleb.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if you're interested in having your name listed here, check out my Patreon and become a supporter. [00:03:00] Also, please be sure and check out MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours. That's MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours for some of the best beef that I've ever had. My next guest is Walter Flores. Now, Wally's been a guest here before, back at the beginning of his, of his journey, or maybe it was partially through his journey of cancer, and his hardship with the military, and how they made life just horrible.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: They were despicable the way they treated him. And, and there's, I wish there was a better way to describe it, but please go back and listen to that one if you haven't. But Wally, it's so great to have you back.
SFC Walter Flores: Absolutely. No, thank you for having me back. It's great to catch up with you. But more importantly, kind of give everybody an update on what's been going on with not only my medical life, but now how it's encompassed a little bit of every aspect of my life now.
SFC Walter Flores: Thank you.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, so kind of tell us, um, last time we left you off in your journey, you were getting cancer treatment for prostate cancer. Uh, where are you now? And, and by the way, you look great, you [00:04:00] got good skin. Great color, great muscle. I mean, just thank you. You don't look like someone who has cancer. So that I hope that that means something to you.
SFC Walter Flores: Yeah, no, absolutely. Thank you. Uh, first of all, once again, thank you for having me on, but it was, it was testicular cancer, not prostate cancer, still cancer, but, uh, for everybody in the Fort Cavazos area. Testicular cancer is actually the most typical and common cancer for male soldiers in the Fort Cavazos area.
SFC Walter Flores: And that's coming straight from Cardamcy, Colorado Army Medical Center. So anybody who's listening in the Fort Cavazos area and you're a male, gentlemen, please get checked. Um, because I did and here we are, and I'm able to tell my journey, which to start off, it's 100 percent in remission. The cancer is in remission.
SFC Walter Flores: After I had undergone chemotherapy. Last we spoke, I think I was about maybe three, four days away from the beginning of my chemotherapy, which was an entire story in and of itself. But I guess kind of [00:05:00] just jumping a little bit of everywhere, right? The cancer is in remission and now I'm just pretty much medically speaking, just getting checked every two to three months, making sure that it stays away.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, we had texted a little bit and you said that you've gone through some, some spiritual growth and, and you learned of a niche that is needed for, for service members in particular, but anybody who's going through, who's young and healthy and, and, and then just slammed with this diagnosis. Yeah. And so I want you to be able to share some of that.
SFC Walter Flores: Yeah, no, absolutely. Um, well, it all started off whenever I was, whenever I underwent chemo. Unfortunately, I was immunocompromised and to be perfectly honest with you, I think that's what really started this or if not started revitalize what was already there. Um, I was immunocompromised and at the time my wife had to rush me to the hospital.
SFC Walter Flores: I had a fever of 102 and it slowly started increasing up until it was at 107. I have a fever of 107 and it's almost [00:06:00] like just reliving the moment. It kind of just takes me back. So, you know, please forgive me if my voice gets all quivery because it's still something I'm still processing myself, love talking about it, but it's still something I haven't really overcome because of how significant of a moment it was.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And for the listener, when your body gets to 107, that is on the cusp of every protein in your body cooking like an egg where it can never go back. That is a dangerous, dangerous point.
SFC Walter Flores: Yeah. So once again, I was, my wife took me to the emergency room and they immediately took me upstairs to the more or less intensive care unit where I ended up getting worse.
SFC Walter Flores: My body ended up reaching a temperature of 107. And the last thing I remember was me just pressing the, uh, that on call doctor button that's that side of every hospital bed. It took me about five minutes to get to it because my entire body was quivering and The next thing I remember is about 10 doctors in the room telling me to come back.
SFC Walter Flores: And what's my name? Who are you? Do you know where [00:07:00] you're at? And I don't know what happened in between me pressing or fighting to press the button and me snapping back and seeing all of these doctors yelling at me to come back and asking me what my name was, but something happened. And to be perfectly honest with you, That, I feel, is what really revitalized, or at the very least awokened, awakened, I don't really know exactly which word it is, but it started it all, I believe.
SFC Walter Flores: And, of course, the doctors are amazing. I will never, just like I told you last time I was on this podcast, I will never not stop talking great about the curtainty folks, and, you know, They helped me get back to where I needed to be. They had it in everything under control. I was at the hospital for about a week afterwards just to monitor and maintain and control.
SFC Walter Flores: But after that, I kind of just started looking at life in a different manner. Um, it's more so I was more appreciative of the smaller things, the how grass felt in between my toes. Whenever I was walking [00:08:00] barefoot, it's just so cliche. I know it is, I promise, but It's, it's very appreciative and you learn a new sense of gratitude and you are just generally nothing can make you unhappy because you know how fast it can be taken away.
SFC Walter Flores: Yeah, but uh, just to keep on talking about it, all the, the stress and the, uh, the pressure. A lot of stuff ended up happening after my chemotherapy, and again, please feel free to stop me whenever I get too deep or if I, if you feel as if I'm talking too much, but the weeks and months up until where we are currently, I ended up discovering that my wife was cheating on me throughout the entire time I had cancer and chemotherapy.
SFC Walter Flores: And With the new sense of gratitude that I had, I was able to look at things a little bit differently to the point where I started asking questions she didn't want me to be asking, which is why now she's now relating into my professional life because she felt as [00:09:00] if I was asking a lot of questions that would have ended up discovering what she was doing.
SFC Walter Flores: She reached out to my leadership, which My company commander and said that I was somebody in something that I'm not. She claimed that I was a PTSD, have an alcoholic drug addict. And because of her being in the military, she's a hundred percent medically retired. She knew all the terminology. She knew who to talk to.
SFC Walter Flores: She knew what to say. And because of the manipulation, which she is very good at is is the correct word, because after I get done talking about my professional side, we're going to talk about my personal side. I was command referred to currency of all places by my company commander, and I was pleading with them.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm sorry, man.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, so real quick for people that are not military command referred to mental health means the, the guy who's in charge of you, who basically is like a God to you because [00:10:00] they control your pay. They can put you in prison. They can do anything to you. And they say, You must go to a behavioral health to be evaluated.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Now we've heard of a situation like this. If you go back and look at an episode that I did, uh, with, with a captain and at, um, Fort Benning at the time, uh, he was coming in referred and they ended up trying to admit him and drug him against his will.
SFC Walter Flores: Yeah, that's dangerous.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So anything can happen. This is a dangerous situation.
SFC Walter Flores: It is extremely dangerous, especially because of the fact that one I'm almost 40 and my company commander is significantly younger than me now. That's really not to say anything other than, Hey. You probably should have spoken with me before you command referred me. The reason I say that is I was never even given the opportunity to speak on my behalf.
SFC Walter Flores: My wife, who reached out to my leadership after she found out I was starting to find out, Hey, he's crazy, PTSD, alcoholic. Having drank since the cancer days, since before the cancer days [00:11:00] and my company commander, without even so much as reaching out to me, Hey, Sergeant Flores, what's going on here, man? No, I'll get a phone call randomly saying that I'm being command referred.
SFC Walter Flores: And had he approached me in the manner that I feel he should have, I would have nipped it all in the butt because I have videos, I have constant videos. And this isn't just a period of one week. I have videos spanning the months. Before and during the cancer of her belittling me, ridiculing me, just straight.
SFC Walter Flores: Everything she was claiming that I, I was, she is, but again, because of the manipulation tactics that she used, and don't get me wrong, she, she was very good at it. She, she even had me fooled. Apparently for three years, I was married to her, but I was commander ford, went to currency and I was released the same night.
SFC Walter Flores: Cause even the on call psychologist is like, there's nothing wrong with you. I told her the exact same story that I told my [00:12:00] company commander. And I was released the same night because there was nothing to be concerned about. And she weaponized my leadership is what she did. Essentially after I was released, I came back home and that's whenever her aggression started increasing to the point where I had to call the police on her the whole time.
SFC Walter Flores: She's still talking to my leadership as if I'm the one. Uh, that was the cops are being called on. I showed my leadership all of the paperwork. Hey, I'm the one that called the cops. Here's the videos of her loading a gun. Here's the video X, Y, and Z until eventually she fled. Yeah, there was, there was weapons involved.
SFC Walter Flores: It got that bad. Um, Eventually, one, this one January, a beautiful way to start the new year, right? One January is whenever I said enough is enough, I called the cops for the third time in two days and she fled. After the cops left, she loaded up her four kids and I haven't seen her since. Um, I've been [00:13:00] trying to message her, one, to see if she's okay, because believe it or not, it's Raw as she did me, I still want to make sure that one she's okay.
SFC Walter Flores: But more importantly, those four kids that are with her is okay. Cause even though they're not mine, no, they're mine. It's just one of those kinds of things, but she hasn't spoken to me, but she speaks to my leadership almost on a daily basis. It's really odd because my company commander now calls me every time that she calls, Hey, she's demanding money.
SFC Walter Flores: She's demanding X, Y, and Z. And I'm telling my commander the entire time. I'm like, sir, I've been trying to get ahold of her to begin the divorce proceedings. She's claiming that I am still the abuser after all of that has been proven wrong. But it got to the point where my leadership just wasn't believing me up until they started seeing a pattern.
SFC Walter Flores: A pattern from her and consistency from me. Which has always been from the very [00:14:00] beginning to include the cancer day. So when we go from the HIPAA violation and me being delayed in my discovery of my cancer, which led to the chemo, which led to the immunocompromised to now my own leadership again, was not believing me.
SFC Walter Flores: And my wife was weaponizing my leadership. And it was, it's been a nightmare, a nightmare if you do not handle it properly. And I guess this is kind of where I really came, come into play. I think this is really where the message that I'm trying to spread really starts to shine is I knew the situation. I knew what she was doing.
SFC Walter Flores: I knew who she was doing it to. And unfortunately, This also included my seven year old being taken away from me because she also manipulated my family. So even my family thinks that I am somebody I'm not again. It's all been disproven. Unfortunately, the state of Texas got involved and now my seven [00:15:00] year old got taken away in the middle of fighting to get him back.
SFC Walter Flores: Still an open battle. I don't really want to talk much about it until it's all over. But it's part of the nightmare that I went through. So There came a point where, mentally speaking, the whole mental health aspect of it all, it was dark, it was bad, it was lonely. I lost my family, I lost my, one of my kids because my 17 year old is still with me.
SFC Walter Flores: He voluntarily came with me because my 17 year old knows there's nothing wrong with me. So I had one child out of the seven that I started off with whenever this cancer journey started. But that's not to say it wasn't dark. It wasn't lonely. It was desperate. I had nobody and I could rely on nobody because my wife, who is currently on the run, manipulated everybody because she discovered I found out she was cheating on me while I was [00:16:00] undergoing cancer and chemo.
SFC Walter Flores: So the picture that she painted was Beautiful. As, as, as weird and as, as twisted as that sounds, she did an amazing job with trying to paint me as the bad guy, which of course has all been undone. But that's not to say that the damage is still there. And everybody who I've spoken to has told me, I don't know how you're doing it.
SFC Walter Flores: How are you doing? You've lost everything. You've lost Everything you have no one, everything was taken away. How are you still here with a smile, making tech talks about how you can be strong. Again, in my head, it's extremely simple. You have to orientate the map. I don't know any other way to put it than military jargon.
SFC Walter Flores: You have to orientate the map. And by that, I mean, you have to know what pieces you're working with. What information do you have? What is right? What is wrong? What is assumptions? What is your, um, Playing field. In other words, the map your [00:17:00] life. All right, let's focus on one. Let's focus on one grid square.
SFC Walter Flores: Okay, that's done Let's focus here. Let's focus there. Let's focus there. Let's focus there And before you know it the problem is it's solved But you have a bigger piece of the puzzle put together to where everybody can see What you've been trying to say the entire time And that's currently where I'm at.
SFC Walter Flores: Everybody now sees that my wife in the stream is a narcissistic, and I'm not gonna talk bad about her, I promise you I'm not, it's just more so mental health wise. Narcissism, bipolar disorder, medications she stopped taking. It's, it's all there. I was just too blinded with the kids because for me, it's just always been about the kids.
SFC Walter Flores: I was too blinded with the love for the kids to focus on her. And then of course the cancer journey came, which kind of just, so Ro was a roller coaster of everything. But the message is really simple. You'd have to orientate your map, [00:18:00] know where you're at, know where you want to go. and kind of really just take the first step forward again.
SFC Walter Flores: I know it sounds cliche. I know it sounds like I'm reading some high school poster in the high school hallway. But I promise you take the first step, then the next, then the next. And before you know it, you're gonna look back and be like, Oh, well, I did that to the point where now she's Realizing herself because my social media, the messages I've been getting from around the world, my people in South Africa are in love with my son, Charles, you know, cause she's, I got a message from a teacher in South Africa saying that she plays one of Charles's videos on my tech talk every day before class starts, just because he's just a cute kid.
SFC Walter Flores: Um, then I got a friends that are in Australia who I served with whenever I was stationed in Germany. Whenever I was working alongside NATO, the Australian military, we worked alongside each other and we just stayed in contact. Now they're back in [00:19:00] Australia. They're sending me messages saying that they're sharing my videos and lying down under.
SFC Walter Flores: So It's becoming more of a worldwide type message. Hey, you can find control in chaos. It's just a matter of how you look at it because it's not easy. I don't ever want to say to anybody nor claim to anybody that it's easy. It was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do. And I say that with such ease because I am now looking back at it whenever I was living through it.
SFC Walter Flores: Tears were shed. Loneliness was there. Depression was there. Anxiety was there. At no point am I saying that it's one of those, Oh, life sucks. Well, let's look at it differently. Absolutely not. I'm telling you is the resiliency. The resiliency is what a lot of people I feel overlook, or they get stuck in a certain level, whether it be anger, whether it be pain, [00:20:00] this isn't fair.
SFC Walter Flores: I didn't do anything wrong. All are valid, but you have to keep moving. Otherwise, you're going to stay stagnant and everything else is going to start piling on top of you, not moving forward. And that's currently where we're at. You got to take the good with the bad. Again, I know it sounds cliche, but that's really the secret, man.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It seems like the last few months since the last time we've. We spoke, you have just been living in the book of Job, um, and that that's a, you know, it's a terrible place to be, but, but you can have your faith grow so much when you're under that kind of pressure.
SFC Walter Flores: Absolutely. And I think, you know, without diving too deep into the faith, or maybe if you want to, I have no problem, just a matter of how deep you want to go.
SFC Walter Flores: Right. But. My spirituality has definitely increased and I don't want to insult or offend anybody, but my [00:21:00] spirituality is something that has been revitalized as well. There's been conversations that I thought I was having with myself, but come to find out, I don't feel like I was. It's whenever you have nobody.
SFC Walter Flores: Those dark moments that I was talking about less than five minutes ago, those dark moments, you kind of start looking around and be like, is anybody there? And sure enough, uh, whether you actually felt something, or if you just believe somebody is listening, it doesn't matter. The fact that you start talking out loud or at the very least internally and stuff starts changing or Things kind of start shifting in the manner in which you are hoping that it shifts.
SFC Walter Flores: You kind of just continue with. What shifted? And because of that, day by day, I kind of started learning more and more about spirituality. I started going to church and it's, I started reading the Bible. I started doing a lot of things. I [00:22:00] started reading about every religion, not just one. I started reading about energy.
SFC Walter Flores: I started reading about the karma, just a little bit of everything. Jack of all trades, master of none. If you, if you will, you know, And believe it or not, in doing all of those readings, I felt, key word is felt, I felt stronger and stronger in all of my actions. That strength is really self confidence. You know what you're about.
SFC Walter Flores: Prove it. It's just really that simple. If you know you didn't do anything wrong, on top of the insane amount of evidence that you have supporting your claim, you're Okay. Everybody still looks at you in a certain way. Keep moving forward. And my body is still recovering from chemo. Cancer is 100 percent in remission.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm not sure if I said that because of my memory loss, which is a part of chemotherapy. It's a side effect of [00:23:00] chemotherapy. It's a very rare side effect, but it's still a side effect. It should get better. It has gotten better. But it's just one more thing added to the pile that you really kind of got to overcome, you know?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. I'd like to get into more of the spirituality if you, if you could.
SFC Walter Flores: Absolutely.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Cause that's, that's intriguing to me. Yeah,
SFC Walter Flores: no, absolutely. So my, my spirituality, I'll, I'll even pinpoint the night, the night that I just started talking out loud, I had lost everything. My wife was on the run. She drained our bank account, my truck.
SFC Walter Flores: Was in the shop because I put the wrong, the, uh, the wrong fluid in the diesel tank because of my memory loss. It was a 13, 000 bill that I had to get an AER loan for my, uh, my son was taken away because my family lied on the stand because of the manipulation from the shrink, she couldn't attack me professionally, so she decided to attack [00:24:00] me personally.
SFC Walter Flores: Okay. Or my, my math has been orientated, literally have nothing. I have no money. I have no support. I have no leadership. I have no kids minus my 17 year old who to this day, once all of this craziness is over, I am going to spoil beyond any imaginable belief, but the night that really kind of started it all, I was just like, okay.
SFC Walter Flores: Tears were shed. Hope was lost. I'm telling you, it was, it was one of those, one of those dark moments. It was one of those, one of those nights where everything, everything is just not where it needs to be. And I literally just got on my knees and I was just like, Hey, I don't know who's out there. I don't know if anything is out there, but I'm lost.
SFC Walter Flores: I've done nothing. I don't know what to do. This is what I want to happen. This is what is currently happening. And I don't, once again, it all goes back to the feeling. I didn't [00:25:00] see anything, but inside I felt as if, Hey, okay, are you ready to listen? And, uh, sure enough, you know, I just felt good inside. Again, this is where the whole cliche things comes into play.
SFC Walter Flores: I just felt good inside, even though outside was And the very next day it was a small victory. I don't remember exactly what happened, but it was something that I had been wanting to happen in order for me to continue moving forward. Very small victory in the grand scheme of things. But then I was just like, Oh, okay.
SFC Walter Flores: Well, let's continue doing this. And then every single night up until her times, and I'm going to continue doing it until I can't no longer anymore. I don't know who I'm talking to. I know I'm talking to somebody and maybe I'm talking to myself. Maybe I'm talking to God. Maybe I'm talking to energy. I don't know.
SFC Walter Flores: I just know that whenever I do talk, I feel better [00:26:00] inside and because I feel better inside, my attitude changes for the positive. And then now, once you have a positive attitude, you have a positive outlook. Positive outlooks go to positive actions, which in turn gives you positive reactions. So the spirituality is there again, not necessarily religious because diving deeper and deeper into this world.
SFC Walter Flores: I've, the common denominator is there's an entity out there that's extremely powerful beyond any imaginable, any imaginable beliefs, any imaginable scale, what it is. I can't tell you, nor will I ever claim to know. And people who tell me that it's God or Allah or Yahshua or Buddha. Okay. That is beautiful.
SFC Walter Flores: I am in love with your faith and your belief. I just don't attach to personally, I don't attach a name to it. But if you [00:27:00] want to attach a name to it, I assure you, if you invite me, I will go a while. I'll never talk down because my belief system has helped me. If that is your belief system, then I support everything about it.
SFC Walter Flores: And if you ask me personally, that's where a lot of the disconnect comes into play, where the religious indifferences come into play, or you don't believe my God. And that's why you're the devil. I'm like, no, that's not how this game should be played. I don't really believe that again. Everybody has their own belief system, their own energy.
SFC Walter Flores: This just so happens to be mine, which has been working out for me in my favor. It's not necessarily a question that I'm asking to get the favor. It's a belief that I'm living to get where I'm currently at in life, which has been favorable. And because of my attitude, because of the manner in which I continue my life with my new belief system, [00:28:00] again, I don't know what to call it.
SFC Walter Flores: My religious views. Okay. You call it whatever you want to call it. I'm calling my belief system. My belief system has led me to where I'm at today because of what I have been doing. My new found relief system, talking to somebody don't know who I have been able to get my truck back. My leadership has now been able to see my wife has been the narcissistic person she tried to paint me as.
SFC Walter Flores: My bounce house business has started thriving again in order for me to get more money because I didn't have any. I got my truck back. The AER people used me as a spokesperson, so now my face is out there. Believe it or not, I signed a modeling contract. Like, so many great things have been happening since.
SFC Walter Flores: I just took a knee. Literally took a knee, just like the military says, take a knee, drink water. [00:29:00] And I'm going to continue with it. Like there is absolutely no shame. And a lot of people are, I don't want to say they're terrified of me, but they have most certainly distanced themselves away from me because, hey, You need to do this because this is happening.
SFC Walter Flores: So they're coming to me asking me, Hey, how can I fix my life? Because I see you fixing your life. Part of this new realization that I have is I no longer have a filter. Like I no longer try to preserve feelings because look at what happened to mine because I was trying to preserve hers. So I tell them how it is.
SFC Walter Flores: I look, man, or look, whoever you are going through this, because you're doing this, stop this. And this is more than likely going to stop. Now, again, can't tell you exactly that's going to happen, but patterns dictate. Behavior, behavior tells you where you're going and patterns dictate and because of your behavior and because of your patterns, you are in this situation.[00:30:00]
SFC Walter Flores: If you're looking to try and do something different, take this out of the equation. Let's see what happens from there. And if nothing happens, well then let's just readjust. And they don't like what they're hearing or they are too terrified to acknowledge or confront what is being told to them, which in turn, they are no longer talking to me, which is fine because they're filtering themselves out of my life, which is making my life easier.
SFC Walter Flores: It's just, it's a win win. It's all a matter of outlook, how you look at things, how you think about things, how you go about your day to day life, which. Believe it or not, has been peaceful amidst chaos.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I would say everything that you're saying right now, it's, it's almost like you recently read 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson. I don't know if you ever read that one,
SFC Walter Flores: but I have heard of Jordan Peterson. And again, without, I don't want to, uh, without cutting you off or nothing like that, I've definitely been listening to a lot of, uh, more Jordan Peterson.
SFC Walter Flores: I forgot [00:31:00] this, uh, Carl Sagan, like a whole bunch of different people on top of the Bible. Now I can't quote any specific scriptures, but. Reading the Bible. I'm like, Oh, I know what he was trying to, what he meant by that. I know what he was trying to say. Like, it's just. The more you focus on yourself, the more you start learning, one, about yourself, but two, the world, and three, people.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Jordan Peterson, when he wrote his first book, he was not overtly Christian. He, he, he looked at the Bible in a critical literary sense. So he looked at them as literary works of art. And often, so some of the rules that he gleaned from the Bible were, you know, pet the cat. That's one of the rules from 12 Rules for Life, and what that means is, enjoy this fleeting moment.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because soon it will be gone and you won't be able to enjoy it later. And this terrible moment? It'll be gone soon, so wait for the next good moment to come along, and, and just bask in that good moment. He, [00:32:00] he talks about in his book, Maps for Meaning, um, that our life is a map, and people can be destroyed and never come back from when they're walking along on their map and they fall into a hole.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: A hole exactly as you fell into, where up is down, left is right, right is left, and your spouse was not who you thought they were. And then most people can't reorient their map from that kind of betrayal. But that's, that's what he teaches in that book.
SFC Walter Flores: Which kind of goes along with what I was trying to say.
SFC Walter Flores: A lot of people can get past a certain level of emotion, a certain feeling, is anger, hurt, Betrayal. So they walk around the rest of their lives, one, not trusting anybody, two, looking completely angry the entire time, which is essentially a shield and nobody approaches you, which just increases your own anger.
SFC Walter Flores: It's, I understand exactly what he was trying to say, or is trying to say. And the most painful thing, The most painful thing about emotion, I call it emotional evolution, [00:33:00] emotional, internal, emotional evolution. Because if you can't move past a certain, a certain level of anger or a certain level of pain, one, you probably never experienced it before.
SFC Walter Flores: Two, you've probably never been taught how to properly process, which was me, but because I just decided to take a knee, talk to, talk to myself or talk to a higher power. I talked to somebody. But because I was able to swallow my own pride, embarrass myself publicly, because she exposed our inner, you know, everybody doesn't like to talk about what happens behind closed doors as a family, and I'm no exception.
SFC Walter Flores: But the second she went public and made it known, I went public as well and made everybody aware. I was like, okay, you want to play this game? I can play this game as well. Which is what enabled me. To increase or widen my parameters of the playing field that she chose to play. She [00:34:00] decided to expose our private lives.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm like, okay, this is how I play that game. You want to play it here. I play it here. And because I played it here, she ran, she didn't think or expect or know that I was either capable or willing or going to do it. I'm like, no, I fight for mine. And I know that I am confident in everything that I am fighting for and you are not, which is why I'm still here and she's on the run, but the emotional portion of it, people don't know how to process their emotions.
SFC Walter Flores: And I say that with confidence, because unfortunately, going back to the military aspect of it all, the suicide rate is at an all time high, statistically speaking, and everybody has their own problems. Everybody has their own problems and everybody's problems is not the same. I acknowledge that. I would also like to acknowledge that they probably didn't look at things the way I'm looking at things.
SFC Walter Flores: And that's not [00:35:00] to say my problem trumps their problems, but the way I handled my problems amidst The enemies that I had and the enemies were from my own camp. It was my family. It was my leadership. It was my wife. Like I was blindsided and ambushed. Just like you said, left is up, down is right. It was, I was discombobulated and it took about a solid two weeks for me to regain my bearing, my emotional bearing, my physical bearing, my mental bearing.
SFC Walter Flores: And once everything kind of got back to square one, I was like, all right, Now let me take a knee because I don't know what to do. I've never experienced this. I know I need to move forward I just don't know how so with me talking I was able to actually discover Hey, this is why this is happening to you.
SFC Walter Flores: Not because of your cancer not because of X Y or Z, but my new level of realizing things [00:36:00] hey The people you wronged back in the years. Who's to say this isn't karma for that? Or acknowledgement. There's levels to everything. Yes, this happened, but because this happened, I got a modeling contract. Yes, she cheated on me while I had cancer, but because she cheated on me while I had cancer, my relationship with my 17 year old has never been stronger.
SFC Walter Flores: So whenever people are praying to be stronger, talking, I wish I had the strength that you do. You sure about that? Like that one, like the one mean, you sure about that? Because whenever you ask for strength or pray for strength, it's not given, it's earned. You know, you get your strength that you're looking for through the tribulations that is about to be presented to you.
SFC Walter Flores: And again, I can honestly say, I remember some nights before any, anything started to include the cancer journey that, Hey, I want to be stronger than what I already am. Never knowing this is where it would take me. And here we are, like I have a platform on social media now that is gaining [00:37:00] popularity because of my mental health message.
SFC Walter Flores: I was able to sign a modeling, modeling contract, which hopefully will expand the messages that I'm trying to help with people who are in disparity, mental disparity in the military. I'm still active duty in the middle of retirement. It's, I'm still active duty. And even after I retire, I am going to stay within the community because I've seen the level of care that the soldiers are getting because I sought it out too.
SFC Walter Flores: Can't speak much on it because I'm active duty, but I'm going to help. I'm going to help after I get out. With more genuineness, I suppose,
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: well, quick aside, if anyone here is in the military or any situation in life, experiencing significant mental health issues to include [00:38:00] borderline personality to include schizophrenia, please go and watch an episode I recently did with Dr, uh, Mitch Leaster, and we talk about sublingual ketamine, uh, and then see if you can find a physician that might be able to, uh, or willing to, uh, to offer that to you for treatment.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You'll just be shocked and amazed how well that has worked for many patients.
SFC Walter Flores: Yeah, there's, yeah, I've got to do a little bit of research on that myself. But, uh, I'm sorry, I'm trying to reach my water bottle, I'm sorry. Um, I'm trying to do some research on that myself. But there's many methods, there's many alternatives out there in order for people to get the help that they need because something that I've also come across is whenever they ask me for help, they don't necessarily absorb whatever I'm telling them, which is fine.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm not telling you this is how this is the only way you can see yourself out. This is my way. And if this tool works for you, then put it in your toolbox. And if not, Hey, let me know what tool works for you so I could put it in mine. So it's an open minded sense of genuineness that [00:39:00] I'm coming from, because what worked for me has worked for a handful of other people who have told me, but it's also not necessarily been received in a manner that I would hope for it to have been received to another group, which is also fine.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm not telling you this is the only way. I'm telling you this is my way and because of all of the chaos and craziness that I'm still in the middle of battling, because I'm still trying to track her down to begin the divorce proceedings, all those wrinkles that were once there. They're no longer there.
SFC Walter Flores: It's just a couple of wrinkles here and there now because of your attitude because of how you look at things because I was able to move past the hurt, the anger, the shame, the family abandonment. It's it's a lot. It really is a lot. And the manner in which everybody or anybody looks at it. They're not wrong.
SFC Walter Flores: Nobody is wrong with how they feel. Nobody is wrong with how they look at it because it's a lot. Their emotions, [00:40:00] their feelings, what you do with them. That's up to you. I decided to move forward while I was hurting. I decided to move forward while I was embarrassed because I knew that me staying still, wasn't going to do anything except make the problem worse.
SFC Walter Flores: So. It's just move forward. And because I was able to move forward with a certain at, with a certain attitude, with a certain ability to see things in regards to this is what she did. I don't know why she did it. I mean, I know why. It's because she tried to tarnish my name after I would have exposed her for cheating on me while I was undergoing chemo and cancer.
SFC Walter Flores: Like, the playbook is, the playbook is there. She tried to tarnish my name in order for me to have no credibility whenever I would have exposed her. And I would have. I think the irony of it all is now she's exposed, but at a social level, as opposed to just an internal family [00:41:00] level. And this is all self inflicted.
SFC Walter Flores: None of this is due to vengeance or vindictiveness. I'm still looking for her to begin the divorce procedures. She's still contacting my leadership, trying to say something that has already been disproven. Now I'm just fighting to try to get my son back, which again is an open legal battle still. But With all the met with all the ways in which I've been handling everything.
SFC Walter Flores: It's, it's, it's, it's only a matter of time. And again, with the whole spirituality of it all, it all happens for a reason. Once again, it was, there goes the whole cliche, like it all happens for a reason. And what the reason is didn't tell you in the grand scheme of things, but I can tell you from my perspective.
SFC Walter Flores: I wanted to get stronger about three or four months before I was diagnosed with cancer. Once again, I don't know who I was talking to, but I remember just thinking it, I think, I think, I think I'm stronger than this. And then life is like, okay. Let's see. [00:42:00] And here we are.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. And I want to encourage anyone who's listening, you know, if you're going through these hard times, you know, as a physician, I tell people, if you have a higher power, it's good to struggle with that. You know, if you don't have a higher power, maybe consider looking at different religions. I'm not in the clinical office right now.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So what I will say is, personally, I will encourage everyone to check out Christianity, check out the Bible, and you don't have to go to a specific denomination, but the stories in the Bible are put there for a reason and they're much deeper. And if you check out Jordan Peterson, Dr. Jordan Peterson, and the way he describes them in his different series he has on Genesis and, and he explains this stuff to a level that's just absolutely incredible.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Like one of his rules is to focus on the noble good rather than what's expedient. And he talks about the story of Noah, and how Noah was focused on what was the noble good, which was God. And through that, by focusing on God instead of what the world was doing, [00:43:00] he saved His wife, his three sons and their three wives, one wife each, and then also all the animals on the earth by building this ark, which was this great task that took him 120 years to finish.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But, and while he was in the middle of building it, he was ridiculed by his peers. They, they destroyed his, his process as he went and he had to rebuild and, I mean, it was a whole thing. And they had never even seen rain ever at that point. And yet he's still building this boat in the desert. And, and I think that's exactly what you have done is you have built this boat in the desert.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You have found yourself in the desert in a portion of the map that you've never thought you would be. And what I'm seeing is, is you're building this arc and currently that arc is carrying you and your, your oldest son. Um, and hopefully it can carry more of your family. Um, And I think the important thing to realize here, too, is our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers and principalities of darkness.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's the spiritual [00:44:00] realm that inhabits us, whispers in our ear, and says, Do this, this is good for you, and disregard the destruction that happens. Yeah. And we see that,
SFC Walter Flores: you know, you kind of reminded me of something whenever you were talking about Noah's Ark is again, without offending anybody or trying to stir up any sort of controversy, but Hey, if you want to talk about it, they want to talk about it.
SFC Walter Flores: So long as it's in a civil and respectful manner, I am open to it. The whole, uh, give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime. I think it's more so I can apply that with me. Like, I remember, and I had a conversation with a church, a fellow church, a church member. They were telling me, Hey man, you didn't have any money, but you just put 20 in the basket.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm like, I know. They were like, but why? You don't have any money. I'm like, yeah, but I can make more money. You know, that's the whole. Teach a man to fish. Well, I know how to fish with either my bounce house business or whether it's with the RV rental business or believe [00:45:00] it or not, I I'm in the middle of creating a mindset coaching business in order to help people navigate through their storms.
SFC Walter Flores: So. Translating it just like you're saying is the epitome. What I feel is the Bible in all of this essence, it's not necessarily given sight to the blind. It's seeing things in a whole new way to where people don't believe in God, but God is literally or whoever you claim is your entity, your deity literally in front of you.
SFC Walter Flores: It's just a matter of knowing how to see things, which is giving sight to the blind. And just like you're saying, the translation of it all is, is beautiful because some people live, live it word for word, which they're not wrong, right? But others like to translate it in the manner in which they see fit or in the manner in which they feel is the true essence of it, which in my opinion,
SFC Walter Flores: teach a man to fish or give them a fish he eats for a [00:46:00] day. Teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime. Well, my version of teaching me being taught how to fish is my social skills, my ability to be a business entrepreneur. I can create a business and I can start generating money. That's me being taught how to fish.
SFC Walter Flores: So it's the translation and the essence and how you view things because you're not wrong. That's the beauty of it. You're never wrong. If you believe it word for word. Beautiful. I support you and I couldn't be any more happy for you. But if you translate it in a certain way, that still holds its essence in the foundational layer, you're also right.
SFC Walter Flores: Because look at your life. You're happy. You have a beautiful family. You went through your, you went through your hell and then you found heaven. Nobody is wrong. That's the beauty of it. Nobody is wrong. It's how you view things. And I view things in a manner that, okay, that's great. This is the problem.
SFC Walter Flores: This happened because of [00:47:00] x, but now we know why. Let's move forward and that's led me to where I'm at right now with the support one from my leadership finally to believe it or not from around the world with the footprint and getting bigger and bigger with every day that passes due to how I'm able to handle myself in situations that would have essentially ended a lot of people.
SFC Walter Flores: Which, and I say that with confidence because I've had senior leaders message me what via my social media. I don't know how you're doing it. I couldn't do it. If my son or if my family was taken away or if I had cancer, if I had chemo, if leadership did this, I wouldn't do it or I couldn't do it. This is coming from senior leaders.
SFC Walter Flores: This is not, we're talking about the military, but this is coming from senior leaders. And now we're talking about the civilian footprint. I've had friends that I grew up with. I don't know what you're doing, man, but you are not the same person I grew up [00:48:00] with. It's because I'm not. Because I was living, I was living in a manner that put me in a situation that I had to get out of and I'm still currently getting out of, but now I know how to get out of that dark hole, but because now I know how to get out of that dark hole, I'm going back in to try to help others help themselves how to get out.
SFC Walter Flores: I'm not telling them the path. I'm not telling them how to get out. I'm helping them get out. So if they were to ever get in again, they got those ladders that me and them set last time. Knowing how to get out of that dark hole. And essentially that's the name of the game and mental health and people want to weaponize mental health.
SFC Walter Flores: And that's, that's a dangerous game. People who aren't mentally sound enough, and then they get attacked in such manner, you essentially are helping them end themselves. And that is vile to say the least. [00:49:00] With every, uh, I forgot what movie it was. It was Jamie Foxx's The Kingdom, I believe it was. There was a scene where he was talking to his son.
SFC Walter Flores: With every bad incident, what do you always see? You see so many ambulances, you see so many police. So with every bad act, there is an unimaginable number of good acts. Unfortunately, the bad act already happened, but the people that are helping is insane. And I apply that to not only my life, but I am now the help that's running towards the action as opposed to either helping with the bad act or just turning around acting as if the bad act isn't there.
SFC Walter Flores: Like, no, I acknowledge that it's there. Everybody's running this way. I'm running to you. I promise I am. And whatever I can do to help, I'm going to help. And if I can't help, well, let me just keep you company.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wally, [00:50:00] I want to remind the audience that, um, and this is me speaking as, as a host of this, um, the show is that there's always room and there's always forgiveness at the foot of the cross. And for everybody who's struggling is going through a hard time. Um, you may believe in something different, but look here at the foot of the cross, there's room, there's forgiveness for yourself, for others.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That there's a way forward. It's not fire insurance, meaning you don't believe in Jesus just to not go to hell. Jesus is here to, to help you get out of that hole and to make life better now at this very moment. And are things gonna get better? Is life perfect as a Christian? No. But there's a way out. And there's a, your joy comes from something other than your own self.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that joy is real joy.
SFC Walter Flores: Spot on. You hit the, you hit the X on that. A lot of people, well, I found Jesus just so I don't go to hell. I'm like, no, that's not how it works. But again, if that's what you believe, okay, continue living your life in that way. We'll see what happens. But everybody has their reason to follow.
SFC Walter Flores: Everybody has a reason to [00:51:00] be led and everybody has a reason to lead. And while I'm being led, I am also leading the ones who don't know how to get to where they need to be. Amen.
SFC Walter Flores: So, uh, my TikTok is go with the flow, it's go period, W I T period, the period flow. So go with the flow, cause my last name is Flores. Uh, so TikTok is go with the flow. And Instagram is two hands or no hands all together, number two, the number two and then hands or no hands, two hands or no hands all together.
SFC Walter Flores: And all of my videos are regarding mental health. And I add a little bit of humor to it specifically because it's a very sensitive topic. It is. Which is why I add a little bit of humor to a number of my videos that pretty much displayed my current journey. Bye. A little bit of a comedic twist, just so everybody can laugh at the struggle, [00:52:00] because everybody has to laugh.
SFC Walter Flores: I promise you. It's extremely healthy. Laughing is healthy. It's okay to laugh at yourself. I promise you.
SFC Walter Flores: Look at this.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Laughter is a good medicine and, and especially when you're in the military, uh, and, and medicine, uh, you develop a dark humor, which, which kind of helps you cope through those skills. That's the funny part.
SFC Walter Flores: And some, some of that military humor kind of translates into my social media. So please take no offense or don't think there's anything wrong.
SFC Walter Flores: It's just, I've been militarized 17 years in, I promise.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, Wally, it's been so good having you on. I'm glad things are going better for you. And I pray that they will continue, uh, to, to go up, that, that your art continues to grow and more of your family can be in there and can rescue the more of you.
SFC Walter Flores: This whole, this whole thing has definitely made me look at life a different way.
SFC Walter Flores: Hate is no longer a vocabulary in my heart. I don't hate anybody, regardless of what has been done to me. I actually forgive them and hope that they learn to love themselves because there's a certain hate in them that's causing [00:53:00] them to hate others. Fix it.
SFC Walter Flores: There you go. Exactly. I agree.
SFC Walter Flores: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you once again for having me on. so much. Much appreciated.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there. And due to uniform of the day, the full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.
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Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's raised on their fields and then taken to their butcher and then shipped to you. And if we compare it to What we can buy from River Bend Ranch to four other major state companies that sell bundles that have ribeyes and other meat in it, it can be as much as 184 to 59 less expensive. It's a great price value and it's a delicious piece of meat.
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women are doing what they do by nature... they cheat when they need too.. not your fault... look at the adam and eve and how eve listened to the snake, snakes are very smart... not much you can do when it comes to a women.. just dump and move on... i learned this the hard way, it's easy as you move along life, that is why it is best not to merry.
she don't care about you until mmoney or somthing with kids need help...
you now learned what kind of wife you had...
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