Confusion on the End Times. (Ten Reasons why, and a bonus point!)

5 months ago

2:30 (1. Bible Theology.)
5:50 (2. Order of Revelation.)
7:35 (3. Division of Church and State.)
10:30 (4. Appeals to History.)
12:25 (5. Confusion of Terms. 6. Substitution Theology.)
13:30 (7. Assumption Theology.)
14:30 (8. Opposition Theology.)
15:50 (9. Vilifying Opponents.)
17:30 (10. Biblical Context.)
Bonus Point:
20:00 (11. Ulterior Motives.)
22:30 (11a. Fear of Going Beyond the Group.)
27:25 (11b. Love of Novel Ideas.)
29:30 (11c. Personal Notoriety.)
31:10 (11d. Personal Profit.)

Why there is confusion on “End Times” among Baptist.

By John Young

The “End Times” is of great interest, yet there is confusion and hindrances which keeps even the most experienced bible believer from properly understanding the subject. Below I show generally and simply 10 hindrances I see. If you can think of more feel free to comment them below. Over time we will expound on each in more detail to show why we believe each is a hindrance to understanding the truth.

1. Bible Theology: Of the three main theologies (Covenant, Dispensational, Stewardship), Covenant and Dispensational wrongly lump all bible covenants into one. The only main difference is Covenant holds to a transfer of ownership from Israel and Dispensational holds to a pause of ownership. Yet the bible holds that Promises, Covenants, Testaments and etc. are held by God and only apply to persons qualified by him to be in them and their regulations are to be considered individually held.

2. Order of Revelation: Many have to split up and re-arrange the book to fit their theology. Yet the book does not call for spitting, retelling, or overlaying its events. Rather it shows a clear progression. Covenant and Dispensationist both try to split up and rearrange the book while ignoring its structure.

3. Division of Church and State: Covenant reject the teaching and commands of the Apostles, that the church and Israel are separate institutions, as stated in Acts 2:41-47; 15; 16:4-5; 21:19-28 in favor of their own theology. Many adherents, particularity Pre-wrath supporters, state boldly, and without fear, that the Apostles teaching and command for the churches to follow is wrong. This a great concern.

4. Appeals to History: While outside history can compliment the scripture it does not have authority to supplant or justify fulfillment of prophesy. This right belongs only to scripture. So, unless the bible shows or states the event as being fulfilled, then the event is yet future. Covenant and Dispensationalist will often appeal to flawed “customized to the event” version of history to fulfill a particular prophecy, so that the scripture will not interfere with their theology on future events. This is wrong.

5. Confusion of Terms: Intentional intermixing of separate and like terms are used to reorder events to favor theology over the plain reading. Day of “***”, Gathering, Rapture, Return, Resurrection, etc.

6. Substitution Theology: Often when the plain reading cannot be ignored and there is no scriptural justification, they will simply switch out the terms for one that does fit in their conceived teaching. Some examples are Angels to Pastors, Day of the Lord to Day of Christ, Babylon to USA.

7. Assumption Theology: When coming to a seemingly confusing or hard passage, rather than leaving it alone or searching scripture for an explanation (which usually will contradict his theology), the teacher will uphold his theology by appealing to “It seems” or “looks like” or “I think” statements.

8. Opposition Theology: Rather than developing theologies to give understanding and to show the clarity of scripture on a matter, many teachings arise in opposition to another teaching. Over time this develops In a disregard for scriptural context in favor of promoting one flawed theology over another.

9. Vilifying Opponents: Frustrated by opposition theology that lacks the contextual clarity of scripture, the adherence have little choice but to keep followers by tribalism and fear-mongering, leading to willful ignorance and stalled development of the true scriptural position or investigation on a matter.

10. Biblical Context: Rather than a culture of teaching deep contextual study of scripture, in the order and priority of scripture, theology and opinions of men are sought to teach on a topic and treated as if studying a matter, leading to a prioritizing, reordering and systematizing of things scripture does not.

(Bonus Points)

11. Ulterior Motives: Up to this point we have assumed errant but sincere motives in the hearts of those hindered by the previous ten points and the desire on all to come to agreement on the truth. If we in honest and sincere hearts deal with the above hindrances to clearly understanding the scripture there will be a greater consensus and good will on the subject of End Times. Yet we must also acknowledge the hindrance of those who are not interested in coming to the truth but rather prefer to keep them in place for one reason or another. Most of the reasons are self serving in one way or another and are held knowingly to some degree. They can include but are not limited to some of the following:

11a. Fear of Going Beyond the Group: Generally we do not learn our doctrine in a vacuum. We learn with others and tend to adopt the particular views held by our teachers and peers. We have a natural tendency to want to be part of the group. Group learning is wonderful and helps ensure you are placing your education on a strong foundation of truth and consensus. For basic education this typically is a must and there is safety in the consensus to ensure your foundation is correctly laid. Such things as the alphabet, arithmetic, dates of events, etc are not controversial in the main. Yet when it is time to construct true ideas from foundational truth and apply them that it becomes controversial with the Group. The Group by nature does not like new or different yet without these error cannot be challenged and truth cannot advance. Not going beyond is safe and endears you to the group but does nothing to purify or refine our doctrine. We often chose to stay and tow the party line rather than make waves.

We see this in scripture with Jewish groups such as Pharisees and Sadducees, Herodians, Essene, etc. All were fundamentally Jewish yet had differing ideas. To go beyond your group in that time often meant joining an opposing group, and this is often the tenancy today. To trade one group for another and then adopt their ideas rather than going alone. Yet Jesus challenged them to go beyond their Fear and group think to that of Love and Scriptural truth.

11b. Love of Novel Ideas: Greek Individualists mindset, as in Acts 17:21 (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.) is the foundation for most Western secular study. Paul encountered such in Athens at Mars Hill. Often this is thought of going beyond the group, being an individual, yet it is the opposite error, from fearing the Group, to having ideas merely for the sake of ideas. Rather, Paul called us to unity (1 Cor. 14:26). To use our study to edify the group rather than to merely have something “new”. Our ideas must be grounded in truth and be for the edifying of our group. To grow the group in truth. (Acts 17:11)

11c. Personal Notoriety: Becoming known as a teacher of a particular idea or as a leader of an established group will often hinder change from an errant line of thinking as you are now considered it’s champion. To promote the idea or group will be to promote yourself, amassing a following and influence that would be lost if it were abandoned for the truth.

11d. Personal Profit: Ideas are big business and when its tied to your livelihood you are prone to protect the it the best you can. Philippians 3:18-19 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

11e. ….. What would you add to this list of Ulterior Motives?

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