Adorable Baby Chimp Takes ‘Solo’ Bath To Get Squeaky-Clean

6 years ago

The Internet society is obsessed with animals, and rightly so. They’re cute, fun and loving, and we can never get enough of them. Such is the case in this cute video featuring a baby chimp taking a solo bath. He is so adorable you won’t be able to stop giggling while watching it!

Heartwarming footage has emerged of Limbani the chimp enjoying his alone time while taking a bath on his own for the first time. Watch as the baby chimp splashes the water directly in his face, making for a squeaky clean performance! Cuteness overload!

Some of us love bath time, because it means some quality alone time, others do it just to get it over with. The same goes for animals, only they are either madly in love with water or avoid it like the plague. Some have been known to jump into the bathtub and eagerly wait for the water to start running, while others scream and kick and bite to get away!

In this clip, we witness the adorable moment when a baby chimp preciously takes a bath on his own. Watch as the cute mammal scrubs his face clean by using his tiny hands to deliver water from the tap to his face. He even takes the time to dig up his nose and clean the airways!

Apparently, this chimp takes hygiene too seriously. Watching him clean his face squeaky clean tells us that he enjoys the smell of fresh and clean! Have you ever seen an animal that enjoys taking baths this much?! He is comfortably nested in the sink, lounging under the running water, scrubbing his body and face with shampoo. This video is a must-watch which will give you your daily dose of cuteness, we guarantee!

Credit to 'Zoological Wildlife Foundation' (

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