ISRAEL ATTACK: Iran’s NUCLEAR program in their sights?

2 months ago

Israel have made ANOTHER attack on Iran...a very, very tiny one. However the message it conveyed is a lot bigger...
Right, so early reports today spoke of an attack on Iran, though it wasn’t particularly clear as to who it was, with the suspect widely being seen as probably Israel, we’ve been expecting Netanyahu to attack them again, hoping enough people swallowed the narrative that the strike by Iran on Israeli military targets the other day was unprovoked, ignoring entirely the fact that Israel had struck Iranian sovereign soil in Syria by striking at their embassy there.
It has to be said early messaging from Iran didn’t help the confusion either, as they initially laid the blame for the strike, which was extremely limited from what is being said, on internal dissident groups, but commentary coming from Israeli bigmouths earlier on soon led to confirmation that Israel was very much responsible, but with such a small strike was it a matter of de-escalation, or was the fact that Israel’s target is in the same region as Iran’s nuclear program a sign that Israel know exactly where to strike and what they may be prepared to unleash to do so? Alternatively, was this very small strike a sign of wishing to de-escalate whilst having the last word on the matter and very much as per Biden’s request to Iran the other day, to let Israel make a small face-saving strike and just let them get away with it?
Right, so it does very much seem that Israel did indeed commit the strike on Iran earlier today. At time of writing, despite Iran claiming their response to any further attacks by Israel would be met by a severe and immediate response, we haven’t actually seen that and hopefully we don’t either. The first wind we got today that Israel had committed this strike was from a couple of Israel’s big mouths, Tally Gotliv, a member of netanyahu’s own Likud Party, who has already called for Gaza to have a nuke cropped on it , put out a thinly veiled tweet saying:
‘Good morning dear people of Israel, a morning in which the head is held high with pride. Israel is a strong and powerful country,’
Well, we’ll come to this show of strength and power in a moment, but someone decidedly less impressed was Israel’s hard right nutcase of a Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who put out a slang term on twitter, which translates to meaning weak or feeble. He’s wanted a full on assault against Iran and he hasn’t got anything like what he wanted, and someone already coming in for heavy criticism, since the mad little man is currently calling for the execution on Palestinian hostages that Israel hold in their prisons and yes, I’m choosing that word very deliberately, in order to make room, presumably for more. He said that on Palestinian Prisoners Day, because yes, Palestine have such a thing because of how many of their people Israel hold. Whilst Israel and the global media are apparently so concerned and worried about some 130 odd hostages in Gaza held by Hamas, Israel have arrested – if you can charitably call it that – 5,000 Palestinians in the last 6 months since October 7th.

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