Iran attacks Israel, and what that tells us

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2 months ago

Iran attacks Israel, and what that tells us
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Two nights ago the Islamic Republic of Iran launched its threatened “retaliatory” attack against Israel. To remember seven ranking officers they lost in a raid on their embassy in Damascus, Iran sent 185 slow-flying one-way drones, 110 “intermediate range” ballistic missiles, and 36 cruise missiles toward several targets in Israel proper, Judea, and Samaria. The results probably will impress no one. Far more important is what this attack tells us, about the respect America has thrown away, the real capabilities of Israel’s enemies, and the attitudes of an entire world against a people numbering remarkably little – for a people some suppose to rule the world.
Particulars about the Iran attack
The first drones likely took off from Iran at around 11:00 p.m. Iranian Time, which is offset three hours and thirty minutes from “Coordinated Universal Time.” (At this time of year, Israel keeps its Summer Time, which is three hours ahead of UTC.)
About a half hour into the attack, came the official statements – from the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Israel Defense Forces.
Obviously those drones had to traverse several Arab countries, including Iraq, Yemen and Jordan. All those countries closed their airspace to civilian traffic.
But not more than five percent of these aircraft and missiles came anywhere near their targets. American forces shot down several of the drones, all of which were on hours-long flight plans. Those drones that reached the skies over Jerusalem, largely fell to the Iron Dome antimissile system.
The sightings, regrettably, caused mass panic among the residents of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
No doubt those residents expected those missiles to have nuclear, chemical, or perhaps biological warheads.
Three hours after the operation began, Iran declared it “concluded.”
President Trump rightly said this would never have happened, had he been in office.
Apparently Resident Biden planned to release a pre-recorded speech on the Iran attack. You can imagine Trump’s reaction:
Live speeches, if you please, Mister President, Trump said in so many words. Biden canceled his plans to release a recording.
Biden caught trash-talking
As dawn was breaking over the Middle East, NBC News blew the gaffe. They carried leaks of Biden and his advisers talking trash about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They spoke of lack of a coherent strategy, and accused Israel of trying to drag America into a wider war. But for public consumption, Biden spoke of calling a Group of Seven conference today.
By the next morning, the bragging began. Iran’s official news agency claimed $100 million in damages, largely to Israeli military facilities, and injuries and property damage at Arad, 45 km (28 mi.) south of Beer-sheba, in Judea, and Umm al-Fahm, in Samaria. Here is some representative footage:
Paul Serran, who provided the footage above, cites his own sources in Israel. They told him to expect Israeli retaliation against Iran “within 48 hours.”
The President of the Islamic Republic boasted of “teaching the Zionist regime an unforgettable lesson.” And in the Majlis (their parliament), several parliamentarians shouted “Death to Israel.”
Those are, of course, tall words for a country that just launched more than 300 missiles and aircraft at a country the size of New Jersey, and have maybe five percent get through. (Israel claimed 99 percent interception, but the math works out to 95 percent.)
Worth remembering also is that the Biden administration relieved Iran of billions of dollars in sanctions only a month ago.
Lack of respect
First, as President Donald Trump says, this shows that the world – especially the Middle East – does not respect America anymore. “Resident” Biden actually told Iran not to retaliate for the killings of those seven IRGC officers. Iran did it anyway, however ineffectual that retaliation might have been (more on that below). It was left to George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC’s This Week, to point out this irony. National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby preferred to concentrate on what support the U.S. Navy and Air Force gave Israel during the attack.
Apparently several Navy and Air Force assets – and Royal Air Force assets, British and Jordanian – scored a good portion of those intercepts. True, but not relevant to the (lack of) respect for America in that part of the world. Worse yet, Biden calls on Israel to “take the win,” said “win” being the 95 percent intercept rate. That’s not how war works. An act of war invites retaliation. If it doesn’t come, further acts of war will follow.
Of course, the Biden administration threw that respect away for another reason. One week ago, American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken actually said Israel risked “becoming indistinguishable from HAMAS.” Anyone who knows the actual record of the Fourth Arab-Israeli War, and of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Arabic Harakah al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah, abbreviated HAMAS), should reject any such suggestion as laughably absurd. More to the point, “moral neutrality” is not an option when one side commits atrocities as a matter of policy.
Is that the best Iran can do?
But Iran has created a problem for itself. Fifteen missiles “getting through” to Nabatim AFB in the Negev, and that base remains in action. (Furthermore, they sent up an F-35 that scored many intercepts, over Jordan and Syria as well as Israel.) A few injuries in one town in Judea and maybe an (Arab!) town in Samaria. Is that the best they can do? Israeli civilians clearly expected them to do much worse. They bought into the hype, and for that reason supplied the obligatory running-through-the-streets scenes in the inevitable movies dramatizing the event, or telling ancillary stories about people (real or fictitious) whom the event affected. But for actual impact, this attack had not much greater effect than some stray fireworks might have had.
Then Iran followed it up with a “next time it’ll be worse” announcement. That’s worse than pathetic. When a country goes to war, it must strike a devastating blow on the front end. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto understood at least that much when he attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Then he found out his attack preceded the delivery of an ultimatum to American Secretary of State Cordell Hull. That caused him to worry that he had “awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.”
If this is all Iran can do, they will learn to regret not doing more. Israel has wanted to strike against Iran’s nuclear research facilities for some time. They now have the perfect excuse.
You were saying about Jews running the world?
But the worst thing this attack brought out is the attitudes of the Gentile world toward Jews. This is worse even than Cordell Hull sending the Steamship St. Louis (the “Ship of the D____d”) back to Germany. We see people – on the left and the right – sympathizing with Muslims as they take up the refrain of Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini and other leaders of the Radical Muslim “Reformation” of the Twentieth Century.
Andrew Torba, founder of Gab, positively gloated when news of the attack broke. Providing links to his posts is now useless; he has elected to hide his posts from most viewers. As the attack began he said:
When the righteous wrath of God pours out on the apostate State of Israel, what will the Christian Zionists say to cope?
Or words to that effect. Here is my reply:
When the Immortals (or whatever Iran's crack armored cavalry unit calls itself these days) suffer 83% casualties and 100% materiel losses - and when the Israelis start counting their seven years' burning the weapons of war with fire - what will the triumphalistic Covenant (Replacement) Theologians say then?
And when George "Spooky Dude" Soros rolls out his biomedical/biometrical cattle-brand-like chip and requires that for all economic transactions, without exception - well, I don't expect the quoted user to take "the mark," because that would be dreadfully un-libertarian, but will he then apologize to me and others for the insulting remark he delivered below?
John Nelson Darby was correct, and I am no more ashamed of him than I am of God Himself.
Andrew Torba might or might not have deleted the post. X’s notices sometimes create confusion when a user “protects” posts.
He also said, directly to Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), that the True Israel is the Church, not the 1948 State of Israel. That’s classic Covenantal, or Replacement, Theology. Here is my thread in reply.
Briefly, the Revelation of St. John of Jerusalem details several specific events, the fulfillment of which is subject to debate. Replacementists insist that all those events have already taken place. They will say that those events were to happen “soon.” “God knows how to tell time,” said Torba in another deleted/protected post. Oh, really? So when did they happen? Who is the Prince Who Shall Come (Daniel 9:26)? Or the Two Witnesses of Jerusalem (Rev. 11:1-15)?
So what happens next?
At the moment, Israel is saying nothing. Which is as it should be; one keeps one’s enemies guessing until the last second. Iran lost 95 percent of expended missiles and drones, killed no one, and injured one seven-year-old child from shrapnel. Those are the latest, most detailed reports. Israel might decide that Iran’s lack of results constitutes humiliation enough, and that they are not in the fly-swatting business. Or that they should wait about nine months for an American Presidential Inauguration.
Grant Stinchfield said this morning that nothing is likely to happen. He says the Chinese approved Iran’s attack plan, knowing that plan would achieve so little results. After that, the weak Joe Biden would tell Israel to stand down. In fact, neither China nor Russia would lift a finger if Israel did decide to swat a Persian fly. Or would they?
Consistent with the above, Trump is right – this didn’t happen and would never have happened on his watch. (Then again, the Fourth Arab-Israeli War wouldn’t have happened on his watch, either.)
But neither is this Ezekiel’s War. Enemy materiel losses were total, of course – by design. Iran sent no ground forces, and neither did the Russians, nor the Ethiopians, the Libyans, the Sudanese, or anyone else. As an escalation, this was an abject failure. Iran’s idle boasts don’t change that fact, and make them look ridiculous. And all the pro-HAMAS demonstrators the world over, probably know it.
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