6 years ago

Socorro Island, Revillagigedo. Scuba divers Mecca! During my trip here I came face to face with 3 6ft White Sharks.

This small shark is moderately slender with a broad and flattened head, rounded snout, down-slanted mouth and large eyes. The whitetip reef shark can be distinguished from the similar silvertip and oceanic whitetip sharks by being much smaller and more slender, by lacking the white tips these two sharks have on the pectoral fins, and by possessing a second dorsal fin that is significantly larger than in these two species.

Despite its docile nature during the day the nocturnal whitetip reef shark can become aggressive when hunting at night, thrashing through coral reefs looking for potential prey. The whitetip reef shark usually hunts alone, but is non-territorial and will occasionally work in cooperation with others in the pursuit of prey. Feeding primarily on bottom-dwelling octopus, lobsters, crabs and bony fish, it often chases its prey into a crevice before jamming its body in after it, sealing the exit!

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