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Open All The Cages

9 months ago

It's time to open up the cages and let our spirits sail on the sea of life - a poetry and stories packed episode!

The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Young Children Ep. 64
The indigo children are clear examples of how children are “in the hands of God”. The indigo children show how children are still coming through from “the other side”. They remind us that of the water that our ships/souls sail on. The phenomena of the indigo children is a cultural trap too. It promotes the idea that “my child is superior to others”. At the risk of criticising parents (of which I am not one), our lack of confidence and our disharmony sees us as separate from one another. We compare ourselves to others. We want to be different and better than others, but we already are different and better.. our soul is trying to push this out of us, but we get the internal message wrong amongst all the external messaging we receive in the distorted world we live in. The point being is that all children are indigo children. All children are special, all humans are able to tap into their “indigo”.

The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Young Children is live every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A): https://www.revolution.radio/.

You can follow the show also on all main podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeart, etc.) and on Substack, YouTube, Rumble, Odysee and Bitchute.
All the links are on my website: https://thesecretkindergarten.com/.

Support my work: https://thesecretkindergarten.com/about-and-contact/#donations-link.
For any questions or comments: gino@thesecretkindergarten.com

Bryant, Sarah Cone (1873-1956). The Old Woman and Her Pig. Read by Kara Shallenberg (RIP) for Librivox.org

Thomas, Tig. (2010). “I Saw a Ship Sailing”. Poems For Young Children. Miles Kelly.

Edwards, Richard. (1992). “Open All The Cages”. Moon Frog: Animal Poems for Young Children. Walker Books London.

Unknown (1921). The Eternal Verities For The Teachers of Children. United Lodge of Theosophists.

Thomas, Tig. (2010). “There Were Three Sisters”. Poems For Young Children. Miles Kelly.

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