April PRS Match - A Lot Of Good, A Little Bad!

10 months ago

Well, this last match was overall pretty good! I got out there and had a really solid start to this PRS match. My first stage went awesome! Got a hit on every shot!! I was pumped. Then, I had a bad stage on the 3rd target, lol. I think my wind call was a little off. Then the 3rd stage, I chose wrong on my bag usage. I explain in the video, but I thought using an attached bag was the smart move. I was much more unstable than I wanted to be. I show off what I should have done. After the match, I did some dry fire practice just working on the prop and learning a better way to move through it with my Game Changer bag. I am starting to finally see why everyone only uses that bag. It really is awesome and can do just about everything. I just need to get better at moving positions with it. I am learning all the time and next time, I will be better at this!!
The 4th and 5th stages all went really great. Overall, I ended up 4th. I was only behind 1st by 10 total hits!! If I did a little better on that 2nd or 3rd stage, I would have ended up 3rd and maybe could have been 2nd. But, just means there is still more to work on and improve. At least I am at the point that I can see more quickly what I do wrong and figure out the best way to correct those errors!!

Thanks for watching. I really appreciate your time. I hope you have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!!

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