Daniel Grasvik (Facebook Idiots on Parade)

3 months ago

https://www.facebook.com/daniel.grasvik https://archive.is/nhFKO https://archive.is/nhFKO/81368142de5f97915a35cca415adda9c6e23f451.jpg https://archive.is/u9Zvh https://archive.is/u9Zvh/fc964e310446f950cb2dbac746a9bfac0af527e6.jpg Daniel Grasvik went absolutely ballistic when I belittled someone on Facebook (he also blocks anyone from posting on his channel, but doesn’t extend the same courtesy to other accounts, quite the coward) & spammed my page w/ dozens of memes. https://archive.is/MJqbF https://archive.is/MJqbF/a5191cb44c04be666ed1352dc6d9189673d428d4.jpg He was triggered into quite a rage after some of my posts on the Marie Oakes’ Facebook page, https://rumble.com/v4d9s0f-creepy-old-man-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-p.html (the most violent jurisdictions in America have loads of black on black murder & vote Democrat) the preceding links are just a small example, but showing you in case the mentally ill person tries to say I’m making it up. Yeah, I’m making up his real mental illness.

He kind of looks like a beach bum from Portland, OR who is “always between jobs.” He had Portland, Oregon up on his page, but quickly pulled it down before I could screenshot it.

Anyways, I sent him these challenges in Facebook Messenger & publicly https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0eGPSELctT2s85XYV2eo4nuwKuMUaRUNnhzybckpF9ChBYgkrsb1nSXZFjBzstbDEl&id=100004109170994 https://archive.is/3g5NO

*** hey Danielle if diversity is our strength, then explain why Iowa is 4.1% White, yet ~50% of the murderers are Black? Why is that the case in a lot of places? Here are two examples, there will be a test & your rebuttals will be recorded. Memes are not allowed https://rumble.com/v4hadof-latifah-faisal-story-county-iowa-supervisor-feels-really-bad-for-perry-iowa.html (Iowa data) https://rumble.com/v1z2nk8-divorcee-sam-seder-wont-conduct-this-analysis-of-missouri-arkansas-election.html (Missouri & Arkansas data) The most violent places tend to vote for Democrats too, why is that?

https://rumble.com/v4d9s0f-creepy-old-man-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-p.html The most violent jurisdictions in America have loads of black on black murder & vote Democrat. Change my mind! ***

We’ll see what the beach bum from Portland comes up with! That’s where he lives, no wonder he’s in such a bad mood & doesn’t smile. I think his teeth are so yellow, I can’t believe it’s not butter.

The mentally ill bum from Portland, Oregon, Danielle Grasvik, excuse me I mean Daniel Grasvik ran away from me. https://archive.is/VpN0V https://archive.is/VpN0V/271921eb0f15b1e19861f07a8c4f7ee6d496db82.jpg I’d wager he probably has numerous disposable accounts on Facebook, he is a coward you cannot debate, but he can post memes, something a 10-year-old could be trained to do. He probably has been coddled his entire life, being told he’s always right. He hasn’t even checked his Messenger, but I did find some posts where he was tagged years ago on Facebook, so he’s had this account a while. He probably runs several accounts, but there’s only one other (that I could find) Daniel Grasvik on Facebook.

He's quite a keyboard warrior, probably not too far from going off the deep-end. Anyone who posts dozens of memes (none of which made any sense but did display a deep-seated mental illness) on another person’s page because they’re mad that Democrat jurisdictions are the most violent in America & then runs off with their tail between their legs before their target can respond has serious mental issues.

I would not be surprised if Danielle is on medication, I think the mental problems he displayed are common in Portland – a city that has seen its murder rate absolutely skyrocket over the past 7 years.

If you see Danielle Grasvik, tell him he needs his Risperdal dose adjusted & tell him the board has received his concession, I graciously accept it.

A 10-year-old could spam memes all day on Facebook, try something harder than that Daniel Grasvik from Portland, Oregon.

Facebook Idiots on Parade (Archive) https://web.archive.org/web/20230820132749/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/facebook-idiots-on-parade

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