Anthony Falgiatore testimony - Miller preliminary hearing Nov 7, 2022 Unlisted Video

6 months ago

Sgt. Falgiatore testifies in Miller’s defense. Under oath, Sgt. Falgiatore said he’d known Miller since January 2022. Sgt. Falgiatore testified he wouldn’t have enforced the trespass letter characterizing it as a “ham sandwich.” He also says “we would not” which seems to indicate he’s speaking on behalf of the entire East Whiteland Twp. police department.

Also, Miller was wrong about thinking he could be from OSHA or the Department of Transportation or the Department of Environmental Resources and making inspections on the school campus.

See video here of his self-narrated walk around the Octorara school campus. Note his statements about the importance of not appearing suspicious.

Watch the video above.
Then consider:
Mr. Anthony Falgiatore a board member and police officer for East Whiteland Twp. has been collaborating with Miller for the past 2½ years.

Mr. Falgiatore has supported Miller who released that disturbing video of his walk around the school campus, who was arrested for criminal trespass and possessing a weapon on the school grounds where Mr. Falgiatore is a school board director.
See also:

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