Carburetor Baseplate Upgrades | Project XMC | What Will This Show Us On The Flow Bench? | Holley

8 months ago

today we finish up our collaboration carburetor with @josephnowak by doing the baseplate modifications to our 600cfm holley carburetor, and tidy up all the ruff ledges and burs around the main body.

we knife edge the butterflies and thin down the throttle shafts a little bit in the hopes of gaining more cfm on the flow bench!

then we assemble our modified carburetor back together so we can send it off and see the results of our efforts and to truly see what these common modifications are really worth!

now this is step 1 of the XMC (X-treamly Modified Carburetor) project were we are looking to build the ultimate carburetor! in this step we are simply doing what anyone would do to there carburetors...starting with the basics. after this we move onto a little more outside the box thinking.

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