Bill Maher STUNS Audience: Abortion Is Murder BUT GOOD

9 months ago

Bill Maher’s comments show just how much influence advocacy for the fake population crisis has on increasing support for the abortion agenda.

In fact, he reveals the coldheartedness, cruelty, and callousness of those who support abortion. Speaking of the murdered babies, he says, “We won’t miss you.

A video of Bill Maher’s recent comments on abortion has gone viral, and it’s fascinating because Maher is honest and tells us what abortion advocates really feel and think.

First, he recognizes that “abortion is murder.” Abortion is murder. It is the murder of an innocent human being made in the image and likeness of God.

Second, he recognizes that the only credible position against abortion is to oppose all abortions. This is because every baby is equally loved by God and of equal value in the sight of God. It doesn’t matter whether the unborn baby is one minute, eight weeks, or eight months old. It doesn’t matter how they were conceived. All human beings are of equal value. They all deserve to be protected.

Third, he admits that the pro-abortion lobby are lying when they accuse pro-lifers of “hating women.” He frankly acknowledges that the left just “made it up.” He recognizes that pro-lifers “don’t hate women” and are just people who want to stop babies being murdered.

Fourth, he admits that people who support abortion know that it’s murder and they are “okay with it.” They know perfectly well that they are killing babies, and they are fine with that. They think there are more important things than loving and protecting human life. They think that “sexual liberation” is more important than protecting babies, or that keeping mothers working to produce wealth for others is more important than love.

Fifth, he acknowledges that the population control agenda is another major reason why they kill babies on an industrial scale. Maher justifies the murder of babies on the basis that “there are eight billion people in the world.”

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