Exhausted Dog Dozes Off On Duty While Deer Hunting

6 years ago

A hilarious video has emerged showing a sleepy dog caught lying down on the job. This lazy pooch sure has a very unique technique for deer hunting as he decides to doze off while being on the watch!

Coby has always had a love for hunting and fishing. Since a pup she would join her owner whether in the woods or on the boat. Now she's getting up in age and when her owner takes her hunting they stay in the truck to keep her from over doing herself. This particular day was rainy and Coby just couldn't keep her eyes open anymore, so her owner decided to yell ‘DEER’ to which her reaction was priceless!

Footage shows a black pooch sitting on the front seat of a car next to owner, resting its body on the seat with its head tilted towards the window, enjoying a nice little nap. The only problem is, she is still on duty to watch for deed! This sleepy hunting dog is not the right for this job as she is dozing off in the middle of the task!

Watch how comfortable this dog looks hanging out in the truck, traveling to dreamland while deers go running free! In a split second, owner yells ‘deer’ to which the exhausted dog immediately jumps and is on full alert, looking back and forth through the windshield for prey! Adorable! She was caught red-handed sleeping on the job, and she too realizes that! Cuteness overload!

Maybe this adorable dog was dozing off and only resting her eyes, but not really sleeping because when owner said ‘deer’ the dog jumped off the seat and was on full alert back on the job! Hilarious!

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