Found the biggest criminal in Willimantic CT

10 months ago

I heard this call come over the radio last week while I was out in Willimantic and I was close by so I went. Old guy did something with his cane to someone else so it required 3 of them and they had to speed through the park right outside of the children's park and park on the grass. Instead of parking 20 feet away on the road. But what do I knkw, I didn't receive no 6 months of training so🤷. Giller is one of, if not the biggest criminals in that town, but because he works for them they don't do anything to him. If you go talk to members of the community he is the worst and most complained about officer. He's not bright, he doesn't even know what the most basic of laws are or how they work, yet the set him free on the public everyday with that costume and weapons. The police department loves ignorant officers like this. As usual this is for educational and news purposes, the public needs to be aware of their rights and what is going on around them on a daily basis.


Willimantic PD
22 Meadow St, Willimantic, CT 06226
+1 860-465-3135

Their FB

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