Dominion Power Answering Questions about Smart Meters

23 days ago

April 4, 2024 Northumberland County, VA Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and Economic Development Committee met with six Dominion Power representatives from various teams: Project Manager in charge of installing all the AMI smart meters, metering solutions group head, metering engineering and planning team (24 yrs.), supervisor for metering and engineering plan, and two others.

Dominions power point presentation lasted all of 10 minutes. The other two hours were questions from county public servants, then the public in person, online and in person.

This will open many eyes to the truth we believe. Be sure to LIKE THIS VIDEO and share widely. We are thankful for the board members who asked excellent questions, opened this up to the public, their diligence and transparency should be commended.

To all the warriors who participated and refuse to comply with mandates and coercion we've got your back. Let's work together to protect informed consent and the right to say NO for all Virginians.

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