NYC Mayor Becomes a Master Mason – 76a

2 months ago

Mayor Adams became A Freemason
New York City Mayor Adams has a busy schedule. One item that did not make it on his official schedule: a ceremony where the he, along with the NYPD commissioner and top uniformed officer, became Freemasons.
When not deal with migrants being shipped from Texas to New York, Mayor Adams is making his rounds through the City. This will not be a politically charged episode; we will however infuse the humor that the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast is known for.
Mayor Adams, NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban and NYPD Chief of the Department Jeffrey Maddrey were “raised” as Master Masons, the “final and highest honor in Freemasonry” by the Prince Hall Masonic Temple. Tony Herbert, citywide liaison to the mayor’s office, confirmed that the event took place and that he was there, but did not comment on the mayor’s attendance.
We, as Freemasons, are the oldest fraternal organization in the world and have long been fodder for conspiracy theories. For this reason, the ceremony was not posted to the mayor’s public schedule, despite the fact that it was hosted at Gracie Mansion.
Photos of the ceremony were posted on Facebook and show the mayor and his top police brass wearing white aprons representing “innocence and upright conduct,” .
The trio stood beside Grandmaster Gregory Robeson Smith Jr., who oversees the Harlem-based Prince Hall Masonic Temple, a meeting place for the Prince Hall Freemasonry.
Several other officials joined the ceremony on Saturday, including Herbert, NYPD Deputy Chief of Manhattan Borough North Ruel Stephenson, Assemblymember J Gary Pretlow and State Senator Kevin Parker.
Stephenson, Pretlow, Parker and Herbert received their 32nd Degree, making them “Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry Northern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall,”
Prince Hall Freemasonry was founded in 1775 by abolitionist Prince Hall and 14 other free Black men who were denied memberships to the all-white Boston St. John’s Freemasonry lodge. Stay tuned for an episode about that soon on the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast.
Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington, Medgar Evers, Thurgood Marshall, Al Sharpton and Booker T. Washington are just a few of the famous Prince Hall masons that we will also be covering on upcoming episodes.
Mayor Adams reminded all that Agnostics and atheists cannot join the Freemasonry. He left out that the Catholic Church condemns the organization. Bummer!
In addition, for those living under a rock, of the men who signed the U.S. constitution, many were Masons. Don’t forget to check out that episode where Brian, Russ and Dave Thomas have it out and have a heavy debate on these signer.
Fun fact: The last U.S. president to become a Freemason was Gerald Ford. In addition to that, Former New York Mayor Fiorello Laguardia was also a Freemason.
Conspiracy theories have followed the Freemasons for as long as they have existed. The Eye of Providence — found on the dollar bill — represents “the watchful care of the Supreme Architect” for Freemasons, according to freemason national museum.
Now that Mayor Adams is a Freemason. And considering the world is scared of Freemasons, do you think Governor Abbott of Texas will think twice about sending migrants to New York City? I’m going to say, no!
We hope you enjoyed this episode of the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast. We will continue to push this story, and others like it, out of the channel.

We get these questions often: What does the mysterious secret society of Freemasons actually do? Does this episode expose freemasonry and masonry? What about The New Order and The Illuminati? Is there a whole Secret world of Freemasons? We'll let the listeners answer that for themselves.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast, any Grand Lodge or Shrine Center, and we encourage viewers to conduct their research and form their conclusions based on reliable sources and personal beliefs.

#freemasonry #princehall #freemasons #catholicchurch #NYC #catholic

The link to the piece, By Bahar Ostadan, used in this episode is below:

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