Bill Cooper – William Morgan – 32nd Degree Mason – The True God of Freemasonry

5 months ago

Keywords / Topics: Bill Cooper, William Morgan, The Mystery Schools, Freemason Mystery Religion, Blood Oaths, Master Mason, Blue Lodge, Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, Giuseppe Mazzini, Illuminati, Freemason Presidents, Presidents who were Freemasons, Lucifer, Satan, Sun God, Morning Star, Light Bearer,

Does a Master Mason who has been one for 20 years really know anything about the Masons? NO, they know absolutely nothing. They have been deceived from the very first day they entered the lodge. They have been lied to about the nature of the craft, the work of the craft and the charity of the craft.

Masons call themselves Craftsman as they are always building something.

Less than 3% of the Shrine Masons Charity Funds, actually go to charity. The Lodge officers are paid.

All of masonry is tied up in ritual. William Morgan is 32nd Scottish Rite Free Masonry.

Albert Pike incorporated a lot of the Pagan shit / symbology into the degrees in Freemasonry used today. Albert Pike was in constant communication with Giuseppe Mazzini and on August 15, 1871 he wrote a letter titled “The Illuminati Plan for 3 World Wars.” Copy of this here →

Albert Pike is considered to be a Demigod among freemasons.

At one time, Albert Pike was Grand Commander of Freemasonry of the entire world.

The masons consider themselves illuminated. Many look down on others who have not advanced on the Ritual of freemasonry.

Many freemasons view the world as profane and un-illuminated (dumb).

Most minorities are excluded from being masons. Women are also, but the do have some divisions just for women. They have the Prince Hall for blacks, but blacks are not welcomed in the “white” Blue Lodge.

The world loves a mystery. If you are promised the answer to this mystery and you desire the answer you will do almost anything for the “Master” who has promised this answer which will further “illuminate” them.

Masons believe in LIGHT. It is a priority part of almost all their Rituals.

Why light? Because light symbolizes knowledge.

What they don’t tell their members until the very high degrees is that Lucifer is the bearer of this light they are receiving.

The god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, who is actually Satan. Cast from heaven as he wanted to obtain Godhood.

The goal of freemasonry is that by their works, they will become God. Their is no repentance or salvation, it is by their works. They believe they can be equal or greater than God.

It is the high level freemasons that are behind the New World Order in which they will crown Lucifer as their King of the NWO.

The book “Morals and Dogma” by Albert Pike states that Freemasonry is a Religion and that Lucifer is their bearer of light.

Direct from the book Morals and Dogma: “The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls?

You can get your free PDF copy here:

It is written into the constitution of Freemasonry that NO Religion or Politics can be discussed in the lodge.

Why? Because the secret of freemasonry is that it is a Religion of itself. The indoctrination and brainwahsing begins from day 1 when they take oaths not to tell anyone. That right there makes them feel separate from everyone else, that they will have mystery answers and knowledge that will give them an advantage over everyone else.

What did Jesus say about Secret Societies? DO NOT Join them.

What did Jesus say about taking Oaths? Do NOT take them.

It’s funny how in America, most of the masons of the blue lodges are Christians.

It used to be, prior to the infiltration of the Churches that Freemasons were excommunicated from the church as the church KNEW 100% that masonry was an Anti-Christ RELIGION.

When asked “Who do you put your Trust?” -- If a mason says “Jesus Christ”, that is the no, no of all no no’s. They will be ostracized from that day forward and advancement will likely not occur.

That word has POWER. Way more power that their false God, Lucifer. Which they have NO freaking clue that this is the road of illumination they are going down. The oaths they are making are Luciferian Oaths. They are stupid and haven’t done their research.

Is there ONE Masonic Book that mentions Jesus Christ as God?

Since Christians are so naive and uneducated, they believe that freemasonry is just fine, it is a Non-Religious organization. Wrong. It is purely a religious organization. That is the deception.

The lodges welcome people of all religions. Why? Because it is the devils work of slowly stealing the soul, one degree at a time.

Freemasonry is the Devil in Disguise.

You kneel at an altar, you make a blood oath in the name of a deity.

Freemasons see themselves are builders and what they are doing is destroying the world right now and creating chaos, so they can bring their “Order out of Chaos.” Their New World Order. They want to first destroy the world, wreck or destroy everything so the “Phoenix can Rise out of the Ashes.” That is seriously, truly what they believe and that Lucifer will be Ruler of the New World that is built after the Storm of Destruction.

The Capstone (top dawg) of the New World Order is Lucifer himself. Lucifer is the All Seeing God at the top of the Pyramid.

All you have to do is look at a US Dollar Bill and you know 100% it is representative of a New World Order Plan with Lucifer being crowned King.

Some of mason medallions have this “All Seeing Eye” on them.

Now you know. They will be taught that this represents God. Isn’t god affiliated with a religion?

What God? The God of Jesus? No, it can’t be that. The God of Buddha? No, it can’t be that.

So what God? It is the Sun, the Light, the Light Bearer. Who is the Light Bearer? LUCIFER.

Wake up you sleepy masons.

You’re being illuminated alright. It is representative of the SUN, and the Rays coming down to Illuminate you.

Why the Sun? Lucifer is said to the Sun God, the Morning Star, the Light Bearer.

America was secretly founded on Freemasonry and this is what people do not understand at all.

Freemasonry was established in America between the years 1625 and 1675.

Andrew Carnegie said that America was an early quest by the freemasons.

Who drafting the Declaration of Independence? Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin was a self-professed Freemason. He was initiated into the Royal Society in England and then sent back to America with “plans” – orders.

The first Grand Lodge was in 1717.

Their plan was immediately to begin establishing lodges in the military bases. By 1775, the official founding of the Army, almost all the Generals were Freemasons.

Right from the beginning the plan was infiltration at the Highest Levels.

George Washington was a high ranked Freemason.

Washington planted thirty-two Masonic generals within his army, while sustaining eight Masonic generals on his personal staff.

Who controlled Freemasonry at this time? The United Grand Lodge in London.

Who controlled America right from the start? Britain.

Other freemasons at this time: George Washington, John Hancock, and Thomas Jefferson.

More than one-third of the thirty-nine signatures on the United States Constitution were fellows of the Craft

Washington was sworn in to office April 30, 1789, utilizing a Masonic Bible supplied by the St. John’s Lodge No. 1 for the inauguration.

Eisenhower, Carter, and George Bush, Sr. used this very same Masonic Bible for their inaugurations.

George Bush, Jr. requested it but was unable to use it because of rain.

Biden was sworn in with the Mason Bible. I do not know about Trump or Obama.

The God Makers – Ed Decker and Dave Hunt – What the Mormon Church Really Believes - -- you can download free PDF copy.

From the book – God Makers by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt – The Pagan / Freemason Connection with the Mormon Church:

P. 57 on the PDF: As C.S.Lewis and a number of other experts have concluded, there are only two religions in the world: Christianity and Hinduism (paganism). 19 One teaches that we are separated from the one true God by sin, and God became a man to die for our sins; the other declares that men are not separated from God, but that each person has within himself the power to overcome evil and thus to become God or at least a god. Hinduism or paganism embraces and absorbs everything except biblical Christianity, which is its only genuine rival. Although it uses Christian language to disguise its paganism, Mormonism is less Christian than it is Hindu. The basic dilemma faced by every Mormon is a direct result of its Hindu roots. In the Baghavad-Gita, Krishna declares that he comes forth to save the righteous and to condemn the sinners. 20 This is just the opposite of the biblical Christ, who came to save sinners. 21 The great complaint of paganism and all secret occult societies is that whereas one must be "worthy" to join them, Christianity deliberately embraces the unworthy.

Cont: Ed was speaking at a church when a local Mormon official stood during question-and-answer time and proclaimed that Ed was doing the Church a service by getting rid of its dead wood, those who could not live up to the standards of the Church. "You are just getting our refuse, our garbage," he shouted. "Who would want them anyway?" Ed answered, "I want them, and so does Jesus." While the church was excited with the answer, it went right over the head of the Mormon official. He had absolutely no concept of grace.

That makes you think a bit anyway.

Part of the Mason’s Blood Oath to Secrecy says that you can NEVER, EVER release any of the secrets to the profane (dumb non-members of the world).

If you are in the Mason’s, begin asking Questions and more Questions and more Questions. Ask the HARD questions to the Masters or Headmasters or those who supposedly are more “enlightened”. Where are the these mysterious teachings coming from? Is masonry based off of Lucifer? Why are we asked to do Anti-Christian things like take Blood Oaths? (check the old Bibles, newer ones revised what it says.) But ask the tough questions.

If you have sworn to an oath, you are making a contract with someone or something or some deity. You have the right to know the truth. Contracts are all based on truth. If you do not receive the truth, the contract has been broken on the other side.

The Oath of Secrecy, therefor becomes invalidated.

Source: Thats Life But Not As We Know It 2 --

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