24LHDVD03-03 Dr Deborah Greenhill - Israel & Narcissism

7 months ago

She begins by showing a map of how tiny Israel is in relation to the vast area of enemy countries surrounding it. The question is, "Why does this matter?" It shows how far we are into this. Using Ps 83 as a basis she features the fine points both historically and biblically of what these nations mean and what it's going to mean to Israel for the future. Is there an ancient animosity alive today between some of these nations? Marriages join tribes together as do similar behaviors. She lays out certain nations that have formed alliances together. Evil intent was already at work against Israel while they were trying to get to their land and become a nation. Extensive research went into the timelines of trouble and connecting the dots. With the naked eye it appears to be a hopeless battle if they all jumped on Israel at once. She answers the question of what does Yemen have to do with anything. Shifting gears, she takes us down the path of a narcissist. Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. She explains the narcissist discard phase, some of the symptoms of narcissism, Christian narcissism, the orphan spirit, and much more. No normal, long-term relationship can happen until the narcissist forgives whoever treated them badly. Deliverance is their only hope. This is not only for the narcissist but also for the one under the control of him or her. Editors note: There is no mention of the two titles to this message having any connection to each other.

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