24LHDVD03-01 Randy Richey - Religious Spirits

11 months ago

Randy repeatedly says, "Hear me" or "Listen". He is not drawing attention to himself but to what God says in His Word. We need to know what the Bible says is sin - and what isn't. We have believed so many things from numerous sources, only to find out they have been deception. We don't want to believe lies. The number one question is "Who are we going to believe?" Idolatry is the first thing we should confess because every time we sin we're choosing to place something else as more important than God. The more you die to yourself, the easier it will be when your time to die comes. The three Hebrew children in the fire didn't fear death, because they loved God. Somebody else's behavior doesn't give us an excuse to sin. Satan started the parade of religious spirits in the garden with his list of do's and don'ts. The roots of religious spirits are always rebellion and self. A whole lot of judgment that needs to happen on the earth might not happen because God's people are condemning, instead of praying for what they are condemning. Randy delves deep into the cardinal characteristics of religion and religious spirits. Message concludes with deliverance ministry.

Randy & Callie Richey's website: http://christoutreachoklahoma.com/
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Free Audio - http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Randy & Callie Richey -

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