Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy, Turns One Man Into A Real Hottie

6 years ago

There are popular TV show series that focus on makeovers people go through. Popular shows such as "What Not To Wear" and "Extreme Makeover" have taken over the world. It seems that the audience is really interested in this kind of programs and lately, the world is truly embracing that trend with open arms. Take a look at this hair and shaving makeover by the famous Christopher Hopkins.

The world knows him as The Makeover Guy® from his appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show and other national TV shows. Christopher Hopkins believes that women get better with age, but they often feel less attractive. For more than 20 years now, he has been encouraging people, men and women to come out of the shadows and take a center stage.

The guy in this makeover video named Alex was in a rut. He hasn’t been feeling well for quite a while, suffering emotional pain from previous bad relationships, and it all reflected his personal appearance. He had worn his hair very long for many years and had never shaved his face with a razor. Young and attractive, he wasn't feeling it and decided to cut it all of to boost his spirits and his image.

He was reading an article that a haircut can make you feel better and lucky for him he ran into Christopher Hopkins who has decided to help him. The makeover he provided to Alex will definitely change his whole life. When he entered the restaurant where he is working, all the workers there were surprised in a good way. Their reactions were priceless.

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