Inflation, Taxes & Our Financial Future w/Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach

1 month ago

At a private event for Tony Robbins’ most elite clients, Tony sat down with Jeffrey Gundlach, founder of DoubleLine Capital, for a candid discussion on inflation, taxes, the state of the United States Department of Treasury and Jeffrey’s predictions for our financial future.

As a bond-trader extraordinaire, investor and billionaire, Jeffrey has a strong handle on our markets and is well-equipped to make predictions of what we will see in the future. In this exclusive interview, he gives us a window into his thinking and offers ways that we can take action to secure a positive financial future for ourselves, businesses and families.

One of the best ways to guarantee a strong financial position in the future is to diversify your portfolio. Don’t invest in one place. Your investments need to include a healthy mixture of options including gold, Bitcoin, real estate, foreign stocks and cash.

Tony and Jeffrey also discussed the United States tax code and how it can have negative impacts on the economy. While many politicians suggest a blanket wealth tax, Jeffrey suggests a complete overhaul of the system. As it stands, there are too many loopholes; people with the same income often have drastically different tax rates. An overhaul would even the playing field for all Americans.

The state of the United States’ education system also comes into play when predicting the future of financial markets. It does not provide equal opportunities to all Americans. The failure of the public education system has a negative effect on all areas of life, according to Jeffrey, including the economy and your financial future.

This eye-opening conversation shows how all parts of society – financial markets, agricultural markets and education – are interconnected. They all play a role in securing a better future for you.

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[00:00] Jeffrey Gundlach ID/Intro
[01:50] Where do you see us today and how did we get here?
[02:00] Ben Bernanke
[03:30] How much the federal government is REALLY spending
[04:45] Inflation/ PPI – Producer Price Index
[06:00] K-shaped inflation
[07:30] Money printing and food shortages
[09:00] Government programs for above median household incomes
[10:55] US Dollar as reserve currency/ Value of the dollar
[11:30] Budget deficit in 2021
[13:00] Chinese currency and US Treasury bonds
[14:35] Gundlach’s asset allocation
[16:00] US Stocks are overvalued
[18:30] US Market is no longer outperforming other markets
[19:50] Foreign stocks
[21:15] US Tax code overhaul
[22:50] Farmland and asset allocation changes
[23:55] You protect yourself through ACTION.
[26:45] Corporate tax rates and competition
[27:45] Volatility in upcoming years
[28:30] The means of production and property relations
[30:45] The Fourth Turning by Neil Howe
[31:40] Election predictions
[32:45] Stimulus programs, UBI, and wealth tax
[34:10] Technology and the wealth gap
[36:30] Self-driving vehicles are an unemployment problem
[33:10] Futuristic developments in food
[37:20] Virtuous cycle of life
[37:50] Evolving our educational system
[40:00] The money should follow the student
[41:20] Equal educational opportunities
[42:25] The future is better than the present.
[43:30] Sign off

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