Personal Power: A 1990s Infomercial Featuring Tony Robbins and Fran Tarkenton

1 month ago

Take a trip down memory lane with this Guthy-Renker infomercial from 1990. In this clip, Fran Tarkenton interviews Tony Robbins about the program that started it all, Personal Power.

Personal Power was born out of frustration, and a desire to do better. After years of attending other seminars and listening to tapes from other programs that did not produce results, Tony was frustrated and disappointed. No matter how much time he put into those programs, he was just spinning his wheels.

Instead of staying stuck, he took action. Tony discovered how to condition his mind and take control of his emotions. This allowed him to consistently take actions that were aligned with his goals, rather than continue to self-sabotage himself. When he saw how well it worked for him, he turned his new systems, habits and tools into the Personal Power program.

No amount of success will make you happy if you aren’t happy with yourself first. For decades, Personal Power has been teaching people around the world how to stop achieving to be happy and start happily achieving. Rather than focusing solely on their end result, Tony teaches people to enjoy life on the way to their achievements.

The program teaches people how to get clear on exactly what they want and develop a massive action plan to achieve their goals. With a plan in hand, anyone can then break through fear and take action toward success.

Personal Power teaches people to condition their minds so that their new habits that produce successful results replace their old, self-sabotaging ones and create sustainable success.

Hit play to hear the financial, physical and relationship success stories from former Personal Power students. They all share how Tony’s programs helped them take action every day, each day building on the actions of the previous one, to achieve dramatic transformationsby the end of the 30-day program.

Learn more about how you can reach boundless opportunities by exercising your personal power:

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Tony Robbins is the nation’s top life and business strategist, an entrepreneur, #1 New York Times and internationally best-selling author and philanthropist. For more than four and a half decades, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of his business and personal development events.

More than 50 million people used Tony’s books and audio, video, and seminar trainings to gain the knowledge and tools necessary to unleash their greatest potential and create a life of success and fulfillment. An unmatched leader and coach, Tony Robbins has worked with four U.S. presidents, all-star athletes and sports teams including the Golden State Warriors and some of the largest financial giants and business moguls in the entire world.

Tony’s live seminars – including his signature event, Unleash the Power Within – have drawn millions of participants, making him the #1 personal and professional development leader of all time. Now available as an immersive virtual event, Tony Robbins and Unleash the Power Within are reaching more people than ever before. With record-breaking attendance, virtual events have drawn crowds of more than 30,000 people from 195 countries.

Learn more about Unleash the Power Within:

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