The 1st Book of AḎAM & ḤAWWAH / Adam & Eve 43 - I Read My Scriptures! ❤️ 📖

2 months ago

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Today's Reading:
1 Then Aḏam and Ḥawwah were afraid, and stood still. And Aḏam said to Ḥawwah, “What is that fire by our cave? We have done nothing in it to cause this fire.

2 We neither have bread to bake, nor broth to cook there. We have never known anything like this fire, and we do not know what to call it.

3 But ever since Elohim sent the keruḇ with a sword of fire that flashed in his hand and had lightning coming from it we fell down and were like corpses from fear and we have not seen the like.

4 But now, Ḥawwah, look, this is the same fire that was in the keruḇ’s hand, which Elohim has sent to keep the cave in which we live.

5 O Ḥawwah, it is because Elohim is angry with us and will drive us from it.

6 Ḥawwah, we have transgressed His Commandment again in that cave, so that He had sent this fire to burn around it and prevent us from going into it.

7 If this is really the case, Ḥawwah, where shall we live? And where shall we flee to be away from the face of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄? Since, like it is with the garden, He will not let us live in it, and He has deprived us of the good things of it. But He has placed us in this cave, in which we have endured darkness, tests and hardships until at last we have found comfort in it.

8 But now that He has brought us out into another land, who knows what may happen in it? And who knows but that the darkness of that land may be far greater than the darkness of this land?

9 Who knows what may happen in that land by day or by night? And who knows whether it will be far or near, Ḥawwah? Do you think it will please Elohim to put us far from the garden, Ḥawwah? Where will Elohim put us to prevent us from beholding Him, because we have transgressed His Commandment, and because we have made requests of Him all the time?

10 Ḥawwah, if Elohim will bring us into a strange land other than this, in which we find consolation, it must be to put our souls to death, and blot out our name from the face of the earth.

11 O Ḥawwah, if we are further alienated from the garden and from Elohim, where shall we find Him again, and ask Him to give us gold, incense, myrrh, and some fruit of the fig-tree?

12 Where shall we find Him to comfort us a second time? Where shall we find Him so that He may think of us regarding the Covenant He has made on our behalf?”

13 Then Aḏam said nothing else more. And they kept looking, he and Ḥawwah, towards the cave, and at the fire that flared up around it.

14 But that fire was from Satan. For he had gathered trees and dry grasses, and had carried and brought them to the cave, and had set fire to them, in order to consume the cave and what was in it.

15 So that Aḏam and Ḥawwah should be left in sorrow, and he should cut off their trust in Elohim, and make them deny Him.

16 But by the mercy of Elohim he could not burn the cave because Elohim sent His messenger to the cave to guard it from this fire, until it went out.

17 And this fire lasted from noon until the break of the next day. That was the forty-fifth day.

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