Ringers from the Top End - Where do you Stand? Billboard Battalion 2/4/2024

3 months ago

On today’s video Farmer Wade calls out the admin from the Ringers From The Top End.

Farmer Wade says to them after he posted (still waiting to be approved) on Ringers From The Top End facebook page thirteen days ago on the 20th March, his video on the impending deliberate destruction of the red meat industry.

Long story short, Farmer Wade and the Australian Agricultural community want to know WHERE DO YOU STAND?

Are the Admins for the Ringers From The Top End supporting Australia and our farmers and rural communities or are they supporting the major international and domestic terrorist organisations who hate Australia and want to see the destruction of the Australian people and our country.

See here Farmer Wade’s challenge and look forward to more video’s in the near future with their response.


Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Tuesday 2 April, 2024

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