Taking The Pee 2024 Episode 5 - Solipsism and me

3 months ago

Solipsism - the quality of being very self-centred or selfish.

There’s a lot of talking, but not much listening, how can we ever achieve change to the political system by talking?

Learning clever words - does it enhance the debate or distance those who are not as well read, should language be kept simple, are we alienating the very people we want involved in these debates?

Who is calling the shots in our political elites? It seems as if our politicians are not interested in what the people say.

The opposite of listening is bringing in hate speech laws, which criminalise criticism of the very issues our governments have created

The problem with defining hate speech and investigating is that anyone can be offended by certain points of view

We all spend too much time focused in on ourselves, which has crated the issue with identity which sets us against each other because it creates conflict

The selfish nature of living with a chronic health condition.
The moral burden of needing a transplant.
The altruistic nature of organ donation.

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