0:00 / 25:05 Shifts Happen - Series Five Session Twenty – Stepping Into and Spreading The Light

2 months ago

This is the fourth and last sessions of Series 5 – where we are working through present ascension symptoms on Planet Earth.

Many people have been feeling exhausted, having aches and pains, and crazy dreams ... plus so much more. This time is an accentuated time of shifting frequency. It’s intense; many people are reporting heightened anxiety, old memories resurfacing, feelings of shame and self-doubt, as well as all sorts of challenges.

Where is this all leading everyone?

In today's Shifts Happen session, we will investigate and examine what your soul is urging you to do.

I really do believe nearly everyone feels that something big is happening.

A Higher Frequency of Light has been absorbed by all of us. You may feel like you can no longer remain attached to 3D systems when your soul is calling you to something more.

How do you make the transition from the old way of Being, to being fulfilled and nourished whilst living prosperously within your true calling?

Watch this video to find out!

If you are not already, by becoming a Shifts Happen Member, you receive the full additions to this session, plus 19 other transformational sessions.

You can see all the details here: https://www.youcanthriveprogram.com/join

If you wish to read this transcript on my blog – you can do so here:

I look forward to your comments and questions below.

Love Mel xo

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