What is a true Princess? Is it Princess Diana?

2 months ago

Channeling from my Spirit, these are the words which came through, as we debate the sovereign and the free and the old hierarchies and their titles:

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3.13 “A Princess is a ‘worshipful object’, desirable by all, and inaccessible to most. - You know the pattern, it is written into the fairytales and the stories, time immemorial. “Prin-cess’, well, there is not much to be aid in the name, except, think of the aristocracy, that was a certain group fo your genetic heritage, who were assigned to that so-called ‘privilege’.
Let us look at the possible ‘future-benefits’ of what a Princess might mean: You have the “Princess Alanym’ of the Taygetans- you can look up her connections on the Mari Swarru and Cosmic Agency channels on YouTube. So, she is a Princess of her people, and she serves the people in a leadership quality, with elegance too. She is a representative character.
A Princess can be a representational person, someone who is of a ‘standing’ within themselves, who is able to maintain a stability, a sense of quality of purpose and integrity, that they be able to be used in a position of - let us call it, “authority” but, a better word is, “inspiration”. A true Princess should be an inspirational being.
Now, let’s look at the “Princess Diana”: people loved that woman. In fact, the title of “Duchess’ is far more important, in terms of monetary and hierarchical structure than ‘Princess’, but everyone loves to cal her Princess Diana. - And they adored that woman, because of so many things that she did, and the defiance against the structure and system she was in.
What did she represent? Mercy, compassion, kindness, awareness, a ‘soft’ quality, an innocence,- these things, not being with an ulterior motive of ambition. Her ambition was there- there was ambition, it was from the heart, “to love”, “to expand”, “to explore the experience of loving more people”. That was her ambition- it was a worthy and beautiful one. So, you could define “Princess” according to the Princess Diana. She was a good example.

Princesses are very often, awkward characters, demanding….chuckle….in my little Drama Students, there is one child who loves to be a Princess, except the Princess is never particularly nice. (Laughing) But her character, the way her body language changes, and this child is only four, and her whole body changes, when she becomes the Princess; it is fascinating to watch.
There is an awareness of this, ‘sovereign nature’- “I may be, I may pursue that which is beneficial to myself”, and a ‘True Princess’, “beneficial to myself and to others. I understand and locate that awareness within me, that that which is beneficial, to myself IS beneficial to others. -For the ;self’ is connected to the Source-Energy-Field, and I choose love.”
If the Princess chooses love, and compassion whatever she does will be of benefit to those around her. And of course, her sphere of influence is somewhat more extreme, than most peoples’. The problem is, that there are two-fold problems: There is the “Pedestal Problem”. That in order to occupy the pedestal, you must remain clean, clear and be that which is able to occupy it: you must be strong enough to not be knocked-off, knocked down by ‘deriders’- all those who seek to diminish and degrade. That is not an easy task, so there must be much self-knowledge, self-worth, and the ability to transfer darker emotions, to transform them into filling-through the Soul with the brightness, the lightness, the joy, the happiness, the peace. SO this transformative alchemisation property of a Princess is very important, if she is to thrive as a public figure.

Let us look at leadership in general, the female leadership: For so very long, the feminine leadership has not been existent, because all the women have had to be very masculine in order for their words to be heard. We know this: just look at the people in the public eye: if they very soft and feminine, it is normally because they are carried by an organisation, which is allowing that to represent them. So, they are supported- either for positive or for negative, by a very large representative group.
In order to cut through e ‘current morass’, well, let’s callout the ‘past’ actually: you could not be soft before but now, more and more, the hundred-monkey-effect has true resonance. More can be ’soft’ and allow their spiritual being, their essence to come through, and to inspire, to uplift, to bring others towards them.
So the new leaders of th feminine world are now allowed to be soft. ‘Soft’- hmmm there is nothing soft about a woman, and yet there is everything-soft. This is the misconception we must understand. If you have bourne a child, you understand, it is not ‘softness’ that did that ( chuckle), it is perseverance, tenacity, focus, courage, aha, elasticity… Did I say, ‘perseverance’? Yes, strength - oh, so many other things. I am just talking about he birth, not the entire pregnancy.
So, the softness of a woman is almost a deceptive thing- it is just, that we dont need to be harsh any more. “
( I open the book to find out some more about ‘feminine qualities’ that now can define leadership.)
9.58 “ So, we are allowed to be ourselves: the ‘authenticity’ is, perhaps labelled ‘the softness’. No need for lies, for a mask, nothing to hide behind anymore. We are still hiding behind something: here I am ‘hiding’ in my sitting room. (chuckle) I am behind a glass screen, I am not there sitting next to you, talking to you. You are not in a big auditorium, listening to me, so there is a sort of a ‘hiding’. The sis a safety place, my home is my nest. I can sit in it and broadcast out to as many of you who wish to join me. - To be entertained, to hear a message that will support you and uplift you and encourage you, and brighten your day- I hope? - Or, at least get you through it, or methodologies to get through it. BUT, we are allowing more, this ‘truth’ to come through.

Now, at the same time, I speak from my perspective, and that is the New Earth perspective, bringing forth the true representation of our true, beautiful spiritual selves. And yet, at the same time, there is this ‘other movement’ going on- I think it’s going on, I am sure it is…you brush up against it in little moments of news-flash, of intense-crazy, of a kind of decapitated brain-stem, a morass, a mess, a total confusion- let’s call it the ‘Satanic Option’ for now. - The entire ‘befuddlement’ of sexuality and gender, and what is female, what is male. It is not about whether you wear trousers or not- I have to wear trousers if I am on a bike, others my beautiful clothes get ripped to shreds by the chains. SO yeah! trousers are useful- sometimes if I climb a tree, it might be more useful to have trousers on, ( and I do still climb trees sometimes….). SO climbing anything- trousers are useful. It doesn’t actually make me less feminine, it just makes me equipped for a job. However, I do love to wear the flowing clothes of a skirt, of a dress: there is a lightness, a sweetness, a frivolity, - literally, it is the air moving against your body. You sense your presence of body through your movement in a different way- so that is a delightful thing to have as a woman.

But what is it that makes me a woman? Is it just my ability to conceive and bear children? I think not. (chuckle) It is my desire to embody emotion. Men, of course, have emotion, because they are a soul, they are a spirit. And emotion is the conversation fo the spirit through into the body, into the mind. Everyone is an emotional being, but, it is still easier, even now in this changing environment, for the female to embody emotions. It is an inanimate thing, it is a flowing thing and we have these abilities, so why not use them? ‘Fine awareness’- we have the fine awarenesses because of how we are made physically: if you are made to give pleasure to a man, if you are made to feed a baby, if you are made to create a baby, - those are our three particularly feminine things, physically, you are going to have a different shape, a different tendency to pick-up things.
I have said this before, women have higher-tuned hearing. We very often have a more alert sense in our body, because we weren’t designed to go into battle with swords and chop off arms, we were designed to feel the tiny little fingers of a baby, and check whether something is too tight, or too hot, or too cold! So it means we have very finely-tuned sense. And it’s not that a man cannot have that- think of a pianist, playing something extraordinary, with deep sensitive awareness. But, we have as a general population , the feminine, more of the little tiny, fine awareness because you need that as a mother. The empathic nature to understand you child is in a state, and how to deal with them- there are enough manuals, are there ? You can go and buy plenty of books on how be a parent, but the true manual is the connection into the spirit, ‘what do you need, my child, right now? What should I do in this situation with you? And the needs fine-tune awareness.
So the feminine leadership is mostly about demonstrating fine-tuned awareness levels and that is why very much we tend to be busy with spirituality. And all the aspects of how the spiritual energy occupies and expresses through the physical body. That’s what we are in this world. When we go to sleep we are in another level, the etheric body. the strap planes are where we seem to fly around and move and meet and create, but this physical body is needing decoding. We all feel sensations: the goosebumps, the different kinds of quality, when we feel the truth. Today, every time I saw something which ‘hit the nail’ on the spiritual level of truth, my eyes started watering…”

17.47 The idea of the ‘true princess’ and the feminine leadership”. “The lion lays down with the lamb: what does that mean? When you are in reverence with an animal, a wild animal, there is a way-and not just the ‘Crocodile Dundee’ way. Do you remember that film, where he just looked that animal in the eye, and the animal was quiet? It was a very fierce, dominating animal, very large and dangerous. The feminine essence is that. ( Chuckle). I was passed a baby when I was seventeen ( actually 19), little baby Thomas, and he was crying a lot. he was the child of one of my colleagues at university. - And she was like, “I don’t know what to do with him!” “Let’s give the baby to her, she’ll know what to do.” And so of course, I held this beautiful little baby, and was in love with him. Because of that love and the field of what I was putting out, the child just stopped crying of course, because it resonated with the calm and the love.
When we are divorced for our spirit, we are divorced from our children. When we are connected to our spirit, we are connected to our children. - Not just mine, - anyone. What a delight to be welcomed by these other beings. As adults, we have it a little more difficult, because we have all these layers of filter. But if we can be as the feminine leadership, as though we are hugging and welcome all of the children with all of that sweet love, then we are converting all of us in the space back to innocence, through a resonance. You, I , let’s forget any layers of difficulty, and darker emotion and let’s see if we can hold each other with this.
And you will find that there are friends you have, who will run away from that. They want to hold onto their darknesses and their problems, and the mistrusts and all the labyrinths we create in our minds are holding them in that place, so, for now, you have to let them be. You cannot hold them and love them and hug them, as you would a child. But some people we can! And this playful beautiful lightness that we can be in: the feminine leadership, ah! Let’s all be it! Have fun, because we know each other on a spiritual level: the law of resonance, ‘Your vibrational frequency’, ‘your vibrational frequency’, it is a dance of delight in the universe.
So, Princess or not- I am not sure I would ever want to call myself a princess, but it is interesting to look at what it could be.

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