Climate Change or Weather Control?

6 months ago

Extreme weather conditions, such as droughts or torrential rainfall, are nowadays immediately blamed on man-made CO2. However, weather control methods that can cause such extreme weather have been researched and patented for decades. The preferred means are fine dusts of aluminum, calcium and other substances. They are contained in the fuel of regular civil aircraft and are released into the atmosphere via the exhaust gases from the turbines, but are also sprayed in a targeted manner by special aircraft.

These fine dusts can be electrified and air masses that have been enriched with them can be specifically heated or cooled using radio waves. In this way, the military complex can deliberately create areas of high and low pressure, direct air masses, form or disperse clouds and thus produce rain, hail, snow or drought. As a weapon, so to speak. The trace gas CO2 may raise tempers, but the weather is made by others.

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