Use this Week to cleanse yourself... Unleaven your Heart 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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The Lord says… Use this Week to cleanse yourself…
Unleaven your Heart!

April 25, 2005 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord to His servant… Listen and have understanding, Timothy… Only those who believe shall keep this feast, only those who were in need of cleansing and have received shall keep this Sabbath; and it shall be to them as a memorial, as a time of reflection and the giving of thanks.

Yet the innocent have no need for they remain clean; even so you must teach your young ones when they come of age… Teach them of My deeds that they may know of My love; help them to understand, as they learn to walk in My ways.

During the feasts you shall do no works for your home or business. Do only that which is necessary for you and your family, discern what is most needful; and when in doubt, ask. Do that which brings your loved ones joy, and focus on that which glorifies your God. Spend this week cleansing your spirit, mind and body… Unleaven your heart!

Timothy, consider your ways and your doings, and be free of the leaven of the world… Do not your own pleasure on My Sabbath days; rather do that which pleases The One who is from above, and resist he who is from below.

Keep the feasts, and cause your life to follow suit, for in doing so you honor Me… Worry not on the details, rather focus upon The Salvation of God, stumbling not over the letter of the law… Consider The Love of God, which was demonstrated through Me… Remember My Passion.

Timothy, strive always to walk in the Spirit of Truth, and give thanks without ceasing; honor Him who paid the ransom and seek to please Him who caused death to pass over you. And concerning the rites and ceremonial symbols of the feasts, consider their meaning and rejoice in their fulfillment, for it is accomplished!

Doing these things incorrectly matters little, for the intention of your heart speaks truth… For truly I say to you, the intention of one’s heart speaks volumes more than the offering put forth by their hands.

My son, if you are in need of more, you only need ask; if you have questions, ask. Have I not made you a prophet of The Most High? Have I not given you ears to hear My voice? Therefore bring any and all concerns before Me, and I will answer you in accordance with My will. For those things which you partake of for the body are of little consequence; rather feast upon that which is good for the soul, for this brings everlasting life. For indeed, the Passover is fulfilled!… All are unleavened through the blood of The Lamb, as many as are willing to receive.

Yet regarding the feasts of The Lord, I tell you this truth… Many will there be who enter the Kingdom of Heaven, who did not keep the feasts of The Lord; and many will there be left standing outside the gates, who kept the feasts of The Lord. Those outside the gate remain in their sin, for they hold fast to malice and have not yet departed from wickedness; yet the hearts of the first election are filled with sincerity and truth.

For where there are righteous works, there are also those who spoil them by pride and ill will toward men; and where there is pure knowledge, there are also those who defile it among men; yet the ignorance of the meek is no cause for offense, nor shall the error of the humble bring forth rebuke. For I know the heart and look upon the innermost intentions… Therefore keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, as it is written and in accordance with the New Covenant.

Take heed and remember My teaching, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, for their like still exists today; only their names have changed, and their vesture. Therefore, again I say, keep the feast in remembrance of Me, and as an offering of thanksgiving to The Father in My name. Yet if you could not, I would not hold it against you. For I love you as you are, and know you as you will be, with Me where I am.

Timothy, do the best you can; keep yourself from sin and obey the commands of The Father. For only one way leads to The Father – I am The Way! And He who receives of Me has eternal life! For The Father has not said, “He who keeps the Holy Days has eternal life”… Rather, he who loves The Son has eternal life, and seeks to honor Him who sent Him; and he who loves and honors The Son loves The Father also, and keeps His Commandments and honors His statutes; for he wishes to please The Father, and The Father loves him.

Therefore put your love on open display, reveal your heart before others by your actions, and they shall surely see Me dwelling there…

Honor Me first with your ways, then with your lips. For what weight do your words carry, if you have not first done those things which you proclaim?

For by example does the good father teach his children, even as I have taught you, and will continue to do so… Even till the end of time… Says The Lord.

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