Episode 54 The Power of Daily Habits in Achieving Health Goals

11 months ago

In this episode I focus on one of the the secrets to achieving health goals; the power of daily habits. By concentrating on what we can add to our lives, rather than what we want to eliminate, we set the stage for natural and sustainable change. Forget the fleeting allure of the quick fix; commit to the slow and deliberate march towards a healthier you.

I offer insights into the art of patience and persistence in the face of wavering motivation - approaching our health like an elite athlete in training. Setbacks will happen; they're part of the process.

This episode strips away the myth of motivation, redefining it as a conscious, daily choice. These are practical strategies to making new healthy habits that will help you achieve your health goals.

Learn more about Fiona's speaking, radio and consultation services at Informed Health: https://informedhealth.com.au/

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