Brave Biker Manages To Outrun Wild Bear

6 years ago

While cycling in the forest with a GoPro attached to his bike, one brave man manages to escape a hungry bear that angrily charges after him, being as quick as a flash. Thanks to his self-composure and light head, the man is giving his best to escape the fierce claws of this grizzly bear. The bike also does its miracle because it is highly professional and the man is an experienced cyclist. If it had not been for his skilfull cycling and his outstanding courage, he wouldn’t have escaped <a href="" target="_blank">the wild chase</a> so masterfully.

He mounts the bike, gets ready and starts his cycling tour through the forest. No longer he cycles a few miles, we notice a bear appearing from the side and storms after him. We can hear him breathing heavily and constantly repeating ‘Oh, my God, Oh, my God’. He is so afraid that we can also hear his heart racing and pounding, skipping bits as he is trying to avoid becoming a snack for the dangerous animal.

But when faced with a life or death situation, there’s nothing you can do but face it stoically and remain as calm as you possibly can. Because <a href="" target="_blank">bears can smell fear</a> which will only deteriorate things. The man briefly turns back to make sure he keeps a safe distance from the bear and it is sheer luck that he avoids being attacked. In spite of letting panic paralyze him, and despite running across an obstacle along the way, he throws off his bike and goes on running deeper into the woods and he then finds a tree and hides behind it. Luckily, gunshots can be heard in the distance that scare the bear as we see her running away.

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