Building a World Without Fear as its Foundation

2 months ago

April 18 - Building a World Without Fear as its Foundation
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Today we practice letting go of fear. Stress, anger, resentment, and thoughts of revenge, are all forms, extensions and expressions of fear. The ego has taught us that these expressions are ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ solutions to our experience, yet where has the ego’s ‘solutions,’ its dead end roads ever taken us? Today let us try the opposite of what has taken us nowhere we desire to be. Today when the ego calls out for anxiousness and stress, we reverse the ego’s thinking and see them as our personal calls to develop greater trust in God’s plan. When the ego calls out for anger, resentment, and thoughts of revenge, we again reverse the ego’s thinking and see them as our personal calls to practice forgiveness. This practice will help us build a new foundation. Today all people, places, things, are providing us the time, material, and opportunity needed to build this new state of mind. Now instead of allowing fear to be the focus of our day or the reason we cannot sleep at night, we offer gratitude to, and develop appreciation for, all people, places, things, who have volunteer to help us shift our perceptions, heal, and build this new foundation.
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