Labour’s vote fraud IT system delivers another convenient result!

2 months ago

Incredibly Starmer's Labour are STILL usingthe Anonyvoter vote system and just selected the owner of Anonyvoter for the GLA using it!
Right, so the Labour vote rigging scandal rumbles on some more and we’re back to Croydon East, where the whole incident began, where the police are now carrying out an investigation, because incredibly, after the General Assembly candidate selection for Croydon and Sutton had to be abandoned as part of the original alleged corruption there back in November of last year, the selection has been carried out again – it was actually carried out 2 weeks ago, before news of the police investigation came out, yet incredibly, Labour have used the Anonyvoter online voting system, the very system blamed for either being corrupt, or being open to being corrupted, to carry out this vote again! One of the candidates as regular viewers will know and others who are following this story might well know, is the co owner of the Anonyvoter system and incredibly, unbelievably, the Anonyvoter owner has won the Anonyvoter vote to become Labour’s candidate for the London General Assembly!
Right, so can you Adam and Eve it? It’s incredible, who saw it coming? The owner of the voting system Labour use nationwide to select candidates remotely, via online voting, has been picked by their own system to be a Labour candidate for the London General Assembly!
Now, for all we know there has been no untoward interference in this particular vote, however there might be because the system is now massively, widely distrusted and I can imagine the guy who was running against Maddie Henson of Henson IT Solutions, owners of Anonyvoter, a chap called Martin Whelton, might well be as aggrieved as others I’ve covered in other videos clearly are, the likes of MPs Sam Tarry and Beth Winter, blaming the Anonyvoter system at least in part, for rigging certain election results in favour of those Keir Starmer and his faction want selected.
However, there may well be justifiable reason to surmise that something is afoot again here and once again it is Inside Croydon who are covering this matter most closely, because no matter which you paint it, it would appear that Mrs Henson is not particularly popular.
She’s been a councillor since 2014 and one of the reasons she isn’t best liked perhaps is that she’s one of a group of councillors colloquially referred to, certainly by Inside Croydon, as Newman’s Numpties. This is a reference to the former Council leader Tony Newman, who oversaw Croydon Council become only the second Council in 20 years, back in 2020, to become bankrupt. At the time, it had a £67m black hole in its budget, a projected overspend for the following year of £47m, had just £10m left in reserves, yet were holding nearly £2bn in capital loans, much of which had been tied up in risky property investment. So the council went bust in no small part due to bad investments. Newman quit, the Council got bailed out, the Tories took charge, the Council went bankrupt again in 2022. There’s a two cheeks of the same a*se story if ever there was one.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo labour party,labour,keir starmer,labour voting system,labour vote system,anonyvoter,kernow damo,anonyvoter david evans,damo rants,starmer,anonyvoter scandal,anonyvoter croydon,damo,david evans labour,kernowdamo,labour rigged selection process,labour selection farce,croydon east vote tampering,henson it solutions,croydon east labour,croydon east selection,croydon east candidate tampering scandal,maddie henson,newmans numpties,inside croydon,gla

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