the tv destroyed america, immigration will finish off whatever is left

6 months ago

still can't figure out how to either press a button or not press a is button illiterate!
Divine Liturgy is the official Orthodox Mass of St. Basil the Great
social trends are a dead end
i just assumed that twitter would end society, i mean it kinda did, i swear this must be what Catholics refer to as purgatory
social media is endless evidence of society's stupidity
relying on the internet for brain food...
we could solve so many problems if we were just more aware of ourselves
it was kinda obviously gonna destroy humanity as a result
modernity turns everythang to shit
i really think that most people just don't care
consciousness + discipline make you a real weirdo
fireside chats w/ fdr not teddy
most are too afraid to ask questions...why?
technology easily becomes a divider not a uniter
so lucky to work at a restaurant that has got enough going on
the social life that comes from having a job is very important
nothing to get excited about for a lotta people cos they're not making anything

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